By DonM on
Feb. 08, 2011
United States
TAS JUMBO FOR SALE NOW a TAS 301 RA JUMBO 6 color 8 station, all pneumatic automatic printing machine. 40'' print length, 26 '' pallets, + 2 more sets, 1 large flash, TPC , 363,000 units on the count, in perfect condition, excellent looking machine. Like new!! 20 feet diameter, 2 sets of squeeges $58,000 :cool:
Check out the video, call TAS America 818 246 9330 or cell 661 877 5696
There is 1 Comment
Re: Tas 301 Ra Jumbo Used For Sale
My company is Trans Screen and my name is rakitha and I am interested in your TAS machine. Can I have the price,pictures with whatever the details direct email is