Thanks Moderator

United States

Things seem to be back to normal.

There are 10 Comments

Why did up a 10 month old post just to dupe post.

I would really like to understand the inner working of someone like you's mind. How is it that you think that this is a good approach to building a good reputation/working relationship with people?

"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."

Remember Gillian ... we are ALL competing for business ... not each others approval ... here is a HINT ... Google is the one keeping score NOT YOU -nor- ME -nor- ANYONE on these Forums ... RWB is playing to a different audience ;-)

And you drop a few more notches in the respect category... I don't see how you can just come in here and admit to abusing the system and stir up the forums (isn't that something you apologized for when you were a puppet?)... just so you can bring your new venture up a notch.

It's pathetic. Why not just play by the rules and earn business the honest way like we are all trying to do?

"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."

You are an idiot Robert... how paranoid can you really be? I was doing a search on t-shirtforums and in a search about something completely unrelated your dribble came up as a search result. I couldn't help myself, I opened the thread. It then was basically the SAME diatribe over and over with you crying about being a victim of some take over. I don't know and I don't care. I just remember saying that you were a puppet and were told to stir up the forums.

Why would I be playing a character over on SPOF? I have nothing to gain by doing so there. You would be surprised to realize how little I know about screen printing. The most experience I have is watching my contract printers guys working in their shop. I have never even HELD a squeegee in my hand.

I now have a used 18x18 flash dryer from Jester(not sure actual screen name) on here and 20 used 20x20 frames from Jason Thompson on here... I also bought 6 new pocono screens off ebay from flyinbrian a while back. All of these things are still sitting in their boxes. ;)

Yeah, I'm big time.

Don't you think it's time to step back when you seriously think that I'm someone set up to get you?!

Dude, I WISH MR was paying me to do this... at least it would seem semi worth it. Hey, MR if you are listening, you can send me a press (it can be a small one) in lieu of all of this "work" I am doing for you guys. Although Robert claims it's actually helping him so that wouldn't make sense for you guys to pay me... but please do! I'd especially like a conveyor dryer... it can be a very small one (actually preferably). Thanks your potential humble servant.

Any of this sounding ridiculous yet?

"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."

srimonogramming's picture

colonel_sanders wrote:
Here we go again, I got accused of this very thing at the old board. I live in central Texas, my name is Rick aka, Ricky "four fingers" Sanders, aka, "the colonel" from my younger days. I've followed this soap opera for a long time, and I don't find it necessary to most much, but when I see a bunch of morons talking **** that they know nothing about, I start voicing my opinions. I don't want those morons to be the only morons posting, so me being a moron of the anti-m&r crowd needs to speak up. I don't know Robert, nor do I care to, but watching a bunch of idiots pile on someone who isn't telling lies about another manufacturer like other manufacturers do, you know who you are, it ****es me off. And for all you a-holes who think I'm robert, I'll be at the iss show in ft worth, we can talk about our differences there if you want.

I print things for some local schools part time and spend a few days a month over at another shop in town helping out and doing real screen printing work. That's enough about me, I doubt most who are chiming in will actually give their real info.

Dude, you're not riding with me to the show if your just going to try and kick someones @$$ while there. Seriously Rick, post what you want, but get ready for an S-storm, "most" people won't believe anything that's positive for RWB so your peeing in the wind my friend.

244... Pm me and I'll give you my address to send that conveyor to... it's the least you could do. PLEASE! :D

"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."