Thinking about getting started. . .

I am thinking about getting started in the embroidery business. I want to specialize in military patches. My husband is a Navy officer and I have a lot of connections to get this kind of business. What machines are best for patches? What software is best for patches? What kind of training is available for me? I don't have any embroidery experience, but I am very creative and artistic. Is this an unrealistic goal?

I have done a lot of digitizing for the Navy. Most of the ships have intricate designs,high stitch count ,12,000 or more stitches and tiny lettering in the banners. You would need to get a custom patch made to accomadate their logo's. That could be costly. If you are considering a 1 head machine you will never be able to meet deadlines when an order is 50 or more. The competion for their business is fierce and the Navy is slow to pay because it goes through channels. I have a client who I have digitized for since 93 who caters to the Navy market. I think I have digitized all of the ships in the fleet! She is always competting with others to get the business and complains about slow payment. I hate to be negative but better to know these things now. The investment is not cheap.
My suggestion to you is do something you know not go into a business you know nothiing about. Too risky in today's economy.