Those new machines

What do you think about these new machines? They are all the same but I have seen many brands names, one of which is Pheonix. All have that LED screen with the red button in lower left corner. I Have heard of an unresolved trimming problem on a multi head. I have a brand new single head that has only done a few jobs but it seems to break thread alot. I have not checked timing as it is brand new. I've had it for over a year. They just don't use it except when they need a large sewing area. I now need to purchase equipment for another location to do 20 caps or more per hour. What are your experiences with these machines? What would you recommend? Thanks, Mike

Robert Young's picture

For me, I would stick with one of the major brands such as Tajima or SWF for general embroidery on hats, shirts and jackets. I do realize, however, that SWF was not exactly heard of 8 years ago, and when they first came out they had some issues as well, so they all must start somewhere. But in today's economy I would prefer to go with someone who has a longer track record than some of the new brands out there... more ability for them to have already worked out their issues as well as a larger group of owners to get help from.

Modern Embroidery Designer