TOSH Logica mi.micro

Roseville, ca, United States

TOSH Logica mi.micro, one -color with: PRICE REDUCED!!!!! $2999.00
Table stand
60mm magnetic ink cup
steel doctor ring
TO-100 XY positioning table
70 X 150non-magnetic cliche holder
Set of 4, 5 and 6mm hex- head wrenches
Special ratchet tool for height adjustment
Foot pedal
Operator Manuals
Transformer to convert 110V to 220V

Incudes: 4 Tosh Cups 60 mm with 5 double-sided
steel doctoring rings, 1 Ink Cups Now Cup 60 mm with
double sided ceramic doctoring ring. Also additional
rubber O-Rings. Two cliche 140x70x10mm magnetic
blocks. Set-up with X Y Table, oor mount, does come
also with table mount for conversion. This is a great machine and still in great condition. Actual shipping cost to be determined after sale as this will be shipped by truck.

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