By steph3910 on
Sep. 24, 2007
I am looking to start up an embroidery business in the UK, most of the people doing well in this field seem to have the toyota 9100 machines does anyone have any experience of these machines, they appear to be quite expensive but if they are good it should be worth it. thanks from stephanie.:)
Re: toyota 9100
What is the price of this machine?
Re: toyota 9100
i have this same question. are these machines worth the extra cost?
about 14k for a sinlge.
Re: toyota 9100
Hi Steph,
I too am just buying my first Embroidery Machine. I looked at the Toyota EPS9100 and many others. I looked at machine reliablility, software that came with the machine, and backup support for both software and machine. I asked about this machine on US and Uk forums. I had NO replies about it from the US but from the GB sites I had many positive and helpful replies. If you ask on there are people with this machine. I also saw a user with a Toyota and he could say nothing bad about it, he is also buying his second machine (Toyota) now.
I was going to choose the Toyota but the support for where I live is 7 hours away from me. I chose the Barudan because they are only 20mins away. I live in Germany and here when you buy any machine you get everything with it. Software and machine training, installation to my workshop, telephone help and I can go in and see them for help if I want.
These machines are industrial level and not semi industrial. I found the price for the Toyota is the cheapest of these type of machines but the most expensive was only 1000 pounds more.
If you go to the NEC exhibition in Feb/March/April(?) you should get a discount too.
Hope this is helpful and good luck.
Post if you want more info.
Re: toyota 9100
Hi, we have a embroidery shop in the US and we run 6 Toyota machine. These machines are made by Tajima as I understand. They openly have Tajima stamped on some parts. They run 8 hours a day 5 days a week. The key is proper maintenance. If you follow the oiling schedule, you will have very few problems. I have had two service calls in 5 years of running these machine. Both were a result of operator error, not machine failure.
These are very good commercial machines. Expensive yes, but we have tired lesser cheaper brands and had nothing but problems. Keep 'um busy and they will pay for themselves in a matter of 12-24 monhts depending on your business profile.