Toyota ESP 850 wont trim--need help please!

Hey everyone my name is Justin, I'm working on an ESP 850 if there is anyone here that is fluent with the goings on of this particular machine I would greatly appreciate all knowledge you could possibly cram through this wonderful forum into my face/brain area. At this particular moment we are having an issue with trimming and have been through all the steps of checking tensions so I'm lead to believe its trim timing? any input would be awesome! thanks in advance!

-Justin :confused::confused:

United States

Does it trim at all or just throw a trim error sometimes? Have you taken the cover plate off and looked at the knife position and watched the knife move with a test trim? It's not that hard to adjust or replace the fixed knife but some more information is needed on what it's doing now before making any assumptions. Also, if you don't already have the user, parts, and service manual for your 850, I'd suggest downloading the PDF's from here. If Dennis is lurking around, he may have some good advice once you explain what's going on in detail.


Hey Rob,
Yes we do have the manuals for it and also found another service manual that has shown me how to take all the covers and plates off to see what is going on. It looks like everything should be trimming as usual just almost like everything not happening at the right time or in the right order if that's possible. And I may be crazy but I think it may sound a little different as well (but I may just be over thinking that part). The service book we have says something about checking the set screw with the dots the without the dots but the way it is written seems like it is almost a rough draft of some kind and is unclear to me. And as far as the error on the screen it doesn't always show it has gotten to the point where we sit and watch every trim to make sure it doesn't ruin the whole project.

AJST's picture

Thanks for the plug DeepWoods, I lurk around every once in a while.

Justin... Need more input. Like Rob mentioned we need to know if the knife is moving and if it is false trim errors or just not trimming. Give us some more details.

AJ’s Stitchin’ Time
Dennis Wilson
Embroidery Machine Technician

Is it trimming most of the time and only sometimes not getting the thread cut completely? If so, that could just be a slight adjustment of the fixed knife to get it shearing the thread cleanly or possibly just needing a new fixed knife. First thing I would do is clean it up as good as you can and then try the the sharpie trick on the thread catcher to see how things are aligned before I even thought about messing with the timing. Dennis may have some better input as well.

I don't typically plug anyone but in your case I made an exception. From what I've read of your posts on here, you take the time to answer questions and take an active interest in helping resolving the issue instead of a blanket "call me and I'll come fix it for you" approach. To me, that's pretty good in this day and age of everyone trying to make a dollar off of everything they can so if, or when, I ever do need a service technician on site, you will definitely be the first one I'll call. Thanks for sharing your time, experience, and knowledge! :)


AJST's picture


I am still not clear as to exactly what the machine is doing. Is the machine going through the trimming action and just not cutting the thread? or is it doing a trim and not picking up the stitch on the next color change?

I have never heard of one of these machines loosing its trimming sequence or cutting out of order but I suppose anything is possible. You will usually see a lot of other malfunctions dealing with the machine like loosing its registry or not being able to load designs. You can reinitialize the machine memory if you believe that it is a memory issue.

You may want to check the fixed knife for burrs or defects. Run your fingernail along the edge and see if you feel any gouges. These parts wear out so you may want to replace the fixed and movable knife.

Here is a link on how to adjust the knife that Rob mentioned.

If you try all this and you're not able to remedy the problem "call me and I'll come fix it for you" LOL. Just kidding... seriously... if you need more help call me from my website. I don't mind helping by phone.


I appreciate it. You made my day.

AJ’s Stitchin’ Time
Dennis Wilson
Embroidery Machine Technician

It started off as only something that would happen occasionally however has been getting worse. The knife is moving and it is giving me a trim error message on screen. I'm not sure what you mean by a "false trim error", if it means its jsut saying trim error but is still trimming then that is not what is happening here. It says "trim error" and is not trimming top or bobbin threads.
Rob thanks for input, and yeah messing with the timing was the last thing I wanted to do so hopefully its just the knife.
Dennis thanks for the link I'm checking it out as we speak and I will let you know if it improves my situation.

Thanks again-