Tri loc for workhorse press?

Hey guys! Does or can the M&R Tri-Loc system work or can be retrofitted to work on the Workhorse automatic presses? Or Has anyone on here have any experience with Workhorses own new pre registration system. Looking to speed up mt set up time on my auto easier and faster. any pros and cons to either?

Go back to your art work separations and print your registration marks about the size of a quarter... Sounds crazy but trust me it make4s all the difference in the world.. better than any of the quick setup deals. You might have to create your on we use simple seps and it gives you the option to enlarge them. The bigger the better. Also use the top and bottom or the left and right on each screen when you set up. because of the angle you bend over and view it as you need to position yourself the same way over each screen at setup... Trust me on this one. Plus its free....

Just to touch on what forming2 posted about reg marks, I have to agree, that the size and placement of reg marks makes a world of difference. I invested in the ARM system from Anatol last year, and although it is pretty great, and does save a lot of time, I gained a TON by enlarging my reg marks, and placing them top and bottom center, as well as left and and or top right.