trimming problem?

Hello again,

Tony here with another annoying problem on my Toyota. When I embroider a design, my machine will stitch the design perfectly, but every time it has to do a trim, I have to re-thread the needle. It trims just fine, puts the thread in the gripper bar and moves to the next section and starts to stitch. At this point, it pulls the thread out of the needle. I haven't changed anything on the machine. In fact I haven't had to use it in two weeks. Also, the trim on the bobbin thread seems to be longer than usual. it is leaving about 1/2 inch of thread at each trim. Any suggestions on what this might be and how I can solve this issue? I just did three hats with 23 trims each and it took me 45 minutes to do each hat. Most of that was spent on my knees re-threading the same needle over and over.
Thanks for any input you can give me.


United States

I have a Toyota 820 that has served me well. It has a picker selector switch on the front. If yours has one I would change the number to 4 or 5 and see what happens.
WHAT CONCERNS ME MOST is the amount of trims in the design. 23 trims is insane! Why so many? Remember every needle up and unneccessary color change costs you money. I don't know who digitized this, but I surely would look into getting someone who knows how to keep the trims down without compromising the design.
I ran a machine for many years before I started digitizing. The reason I wanted to digitize was after watching poorly designed logo's do crazy things with no rhyme or reason. My goal has always been to keep stitch count and trims, and color changes to a minimum. I think the best digitizing is done by those who really understand how a machine works.
If your toyota is a one head I also would consider you out soucing the design to someone who has multiple heads depending on the number you are doing. After running the design they might want to never do it again after that many trims!

Robert Young's picture

ouch, I would have turned the trimmers off and manually trimmed one hat while another is sewing... at least until I got someone to help me figure out the issue... but you are obviously way more patient than I am. yikes.

Modern Embroidery Designer

You said that its just one needle correct?

Generally if the problem is needle specific, its probably not a "global" issue, meaning that bad timing or inadequate trim length would affect all needles not just one. I know it sounds funny, but check your thread paths, is all correct?

Okay, first of all, it isn't needle specific, it has the same problem with all the needles. So I guess that would make it a global issue. Yes, it is a one head machine. a Toyota 850 to be specific. I have already checked the thread paths. They are fine. As for the trims, it's only a two color job. Most of the design is in black with a small piece in red. The problem is that is a lot of lettering. The customer does not want the lettering connected. I don't have a time constraint on this job, luckily. He is my first customer, my biggest customer, and brings me jobs from his contacts. He is also my best friend, roommate and my ex-wifes 1st husband. Because of him 90% of my jobs come from his family that either owns Brazilian Jiu Jitsu gyms, the fight-wear store that supplies the clothing for the gyms or the tournaments that I get all of my work from. So, yea, I'll put up with this crappy design for this logo. By the way, it was digitized by I've done this same design before with the same trims and not had any problems. Now, I get this problem of the extra long thread after the trim in the bobbin and the thread pulling out of the needle when it starts the next piece, whether in the same color or to a different one. I fit changes color, then the first time it starts, it's okay, then if it has to trim and go to a different section, then it pulls out. I thought the design might be the problem so I tried a different design that I needed for a shirt I had to do. It did the same thing with different needles. As for being patient, nahh, I learned how to swear at the machine in English and Portuguese now. LOL Most of the work I do is now digitized by someone else. I had one logo, very detailed, that I had tried to do on a hat. I got it back with 33 trims on a three color job. Broke 9 needles trying to do one hat, wouldn't register worth a crap and stitched badly. Also, it ended up being almost 1/4 inch thick. I had it re-digitized from another source (Strawberry Stitch) and got it back with 5 trims and only 4 color changes. It looked great and was extremely easy to do. Came out a lot thinner too. Anyway. I digress. The design and the trims are not the problem here, I just want to know what is causing the thread to pull out of the needle on start-up. And thanks to all who have answered so far.

Okay, I'm back.

I think I may have found the problem. I was trying to do a name on a Gi belt today and noticed that the forked thing that stops the bobbin for the thread trim was too far out. The set screw on the bottom had vibrated loose. Once I reset the screw where it belonged, the machine worked like a charm. I only noticed this because there is no cover over the bobbin on my machine. It was missing when I bought it, and no one has any in stock. It is only a problem when I try to do beanies. They get caught in the bobbin as it turns. So I just don't do beanies. Not much of a loss in So Cal. Anyway, thanks to those who helped out in the discussion. Much obliged.

You must of been typing same time I was LOL..Glad you got it figured out. I hate these kind of problems!! Just glad we don't have many

Sew On.:D

Sew Fine Designs