Trying to get started

I'm trying to start an embroidery business and can't make up my mind which brand to go with. I am looking at Toyota, Tajima or SWF. I live in Maryland and have heard alot of talk about service. Any ideas or thoughts about location, machines, service techs would be helpfull. I think training is also a problem. Toyota is in Tampa, Fla., Tajima is in NC, and SWF is in NJ. Where is the service going to come from? Thanks for any help you can give.

I was also woundering about the Happy and Reccoma? brands. I have not heard much talk about these machines. Thank again.

I am partial to the Tajimas as we have 3. Service has been excellent when needed. Have only had one time that tech was needed on site. All other problems have been taken care of via phone with tech services. I have attended the training that was available from Tajima at the Elkin, NC center. I do not have any experience with the others but have heard well of the SWF. It seems that SWF is known as the Korean Tajima (possibly a bit of Industrial Espionage:rolleyes: ). SWF has a good warranty and following, I believe that they are #2 for new sales in the US. :)