By sayitsigns on
Mar. 27, 2010
United States
Tuf Olympian Auto Press this is a 10 station with 6 colors and 2 flashes. I bought this press used and we used it last summer to print a 2K piece order. shortly after we moved and do not have room for it in the new shop. I have it in my shop with the heads on it so you can see it cycle. I need to get it out of the way. I paid 8900 for it. I will take 7500 firm. It comes with a full set of adult platens and a full set of youth platens. Call Brad 309-883-1456 Located 2 hours west of Chicago we can load it onto your trailer.
There is 1 Comment
Re: Tuf Olympian Automatic
do you still have this press? i am located in pa and would either rent a trailer for a road trip or pay freight if you are willing to palletize.