
i am new to the whole screen printing business. i never worked at a screen printing shop before so everything im doing is a trial an error learning process for me. i want to know what an underbase is and what kind of ink is needed for it?

an underbase is usually white ink that is coated on before putting on another layer of ink. Typically done for dark colored tees. Any type of white ink is usable - preferably one which is water-based.

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jr_sanford's picture

Whoa ai_file... Waterbase inks are best??? :eek:
I think this person was wanting to know about an "undercoat" that will help make the top layer brighter.

That would be (usually) a white/flash (plastisol) plate, where white is printed under the base coat then flashed and finally covered with the base color.

J.R. Sanford
Production Manager
NW Awards
185 NW Chehalis AV
Chehalis, WA 98532
(shop) 360-748-7346
(cell) 360-880-6384

Cast aside your limitations;
And you shall be boundless!

does it matter what color white it is as long as its a plastisol ink? because i have a phoenix white, which is a platisol ink. would that work or is there a specific type of white to use?

jr_sanford's picture

Well, it really depends on what type of substrate you are printing on.
Visit this site QCM Inks and click on the Glacier White link.
If your fabric is more than 50% polyester, then you'll need to use their PERMA-WHITE ink which resists bleeding.

J.R. Sanford
Production Manager
NW Awards
185 NW Chehalis AV
Chehalis, WA 98532
(shop) 360-748-7346
(cell) 360-880-6384

Cast aside your limitations;
And you shall be boundless!

i print mostly on 100% cotton and 50/50 so would the phoenix white ink work as and underbase or undercoat?

jr_sanford's picture

I would not know that because I've never used Phoenix ink.
Just QCM and Union ink.

J.R. Sanford
Production Manager
NW Awards
185 NW Chehalis AV
Chehalis, WA 98532
(shop) 360-748-7346
(cell) 360-880-6384

Cast aside your limitations;
And you shall be boundless!

the phoenix white is made by triangle ink. i dont have the money to order qcm ink yet so i guess try the white i have and see what happens. thank you for your input.

jr_sanford's picture

Make sure that you "Flash" the white to where it doesn't transfer to your finger before applying a second coat of white. Flash again, then print your colored ink.

J.R. Sanford
Production Manager
NW Awards
185 NW Chehalis AV
Chehalis, WA 98532
(shop) 360-748-7346
(cell) 360-880-6384

Cast aside your limitations;
And you shall be boundless!