Used Atlas Conveyer Dryer for sale, cheap!

United States

Atlas M-36 Technicure Infrared Convection Conveyor T-shirt Dryer

This machine is in good working condition, it is currently used in our building but we are getting new equipment and need to sell the old one.

Specs are as follows:

Model M36-1
Length 11'6"
Height 68"
Number of panels 4
Panel Size 2-18"x24" and 2-16"x16"
Belt width 36"
Entrance Feed 36"
Exhaust Size 6"
Exhaust Rage 800 CFM
Power Requirements 60 amp @ 240 A.C.V.
Drive Motor 1/3 HP

We are located in Hurst, Tx near Fort Worth. New equipment is being delivered October 20. This dryer works great!
If you would like to see a photo of it, please email

We are selling for $1000!!!

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