There has for quite some time been much dialogue on the subject of equipment brokers and refurbishing of used machinery. I feel compelled to offer my two cents and share my experience on the subject. As you fine people here may or may not know, Action Engineering was heavily involved in used machinery from 1996 till around 2002.
During those years, we were also busy developing our production accessories, that is…pallets, squeegees, and flood bars. It seemed initially like a perfect fit. Because we were able to manufacture all of the pallets, squeegees, and flood bars– we would be able to offer our used machine customer a package price that no one else could touch. We were almost right.
Anyone remember the infamous Bernie Gomer? We wanted to be the Anti-Bernie…
We took out a substantial loan to gear up the necessary space and resources to do it right. We signed a lease on an additional 15K sq. feet and outfitted the space with a new compressor and all the necessary tooling required to really refurbish machinery.
Back in those days – NAFTA was laying waste to the domestic manufacturing of textiles and the large and mid-sized decorating facilities. There was literally an auction every week somewhere in the country. These auctions would typically be the result of either a company moving offshore and leaving the old machinery behind – or also from a mid size company being killed by a larger one that had been offshore for a while already.
So a countless number of trips were made involving planes, trains and automobiles to attend auctions, and negotiate with some of the largest apparel manufacturers in our industry. You can think of the largest – & we helped them sell their machinery during those years.
In every case – we purchased the machinery on speculation and had it shipped back to our shop for refurbishment. I would estimate that we refurbished and shipped 150 to 200 automatic machines – give or take. Automatics (150-200) manuals (100+), dryers (50+), exposure units – flashes –you name it – we bought, brought it home, – fixed it – and sold it with a warrantee.
We really ‘geeked’ out. We would replace almost all switches, most proximity sensors & cylinders, and then used our machining capabilities to remanufacture the custom machined parts as required. All steel parts would be reclaimed and then sent to be zinc plated or powder coated again. And we developed many methods of deep cleaning machinery before repainting them. To summarize – I’m sure that we made an above average effort to develop and support this used equipment business.
Our results were mixed – We did sell the machinery for a premium as compared to some of the other guys…but let me tell you guys something – it was seriously hard work. The time it took to find the machinery, inspect the machinery, negotiate for the machinery, have it shipped here – refurb it – have it shipped there… - it was an enormous undertaking. Then…you have to market the machinery –yada yada yada. I am convinced that it would be easier for us to have made machines from scratch than to do it that way.
We stopped – one of the reasons we stopped was that at the same time we got into it – so did 20 other guys who did nothing but list and ship. No one was willing to pay the price difference between a truly refurbished and rebuilt machine as compared to just a list and ship. Even more important – we didn’t always get a warm fuzzy response from our customers that we expected. That is – no matter how much work was being done – many times we had to deal with complaints that were trivial. The complaints I’m referring to would be things like – a few days late on delivery, scratched paint, little things.
Because we were working to develop our product line of accessories – we felt that there was a bit of a conflict of interest. It appeared to us that there was substantial amount of room for debate on whether a customer was going to be happy or not.
Without beating around the bush further – let me say that most people buy a used machine – for a used price – and expect it to be as good as new and in their hands tomorrow. We found that we could do that with the products that we manufactured, but not used machinery.
After the zillions of hours, the blood, sweat, and years, I’m sure the verdict is out as to whether the venture was truly profitable. I’m inclined to look through my rose colored glasses and say that – ‘we learned so much from it’, but maybe didn’t make actual money doing it.
There are many brokers on this site that we have worked closely with during those years – Winston is the first that comes to mind – but many others are here also. The ones that didn’t perform or acted in an unethical manner are long gone. The ones that you see today – that have done it for decades – and survived – have done so for a reason.
Our industry has always been a very tight knit community and word travels quickly. This reminds me of a story from my very early days. I was fresh off the road from traveling the countryside with Mr. Bill Wainer doing retrofits on Precision Ovals. When I had done many retrofits on my own and was certain I could take on any challenge, we got an order from a company in Ireland to break down a huge belt printer in South Carolina and containerize it for transport to Dublin (Circa 1994).
I’ll save the bulk of the story for another day – but I’ll never forget that deal till the day I die. We blew it bad. Then – it was revealed to me that the customer in Ireland was tied to the IRA. I had 10 calls a day for two weeks and spent $12K+ to correct the issue!!! Every day I got calls and could tell the guy was calling from a pub and was trashed. Every day I heard “ Erik – I’m leaving for the airport and will be there in 7 hours – and I’m going to kill ya!” & yea – I’m sure he was serious. Before we had even resolved the matter, I got calls from South Africa and Australia informing me that they heard of our error from 3 people on their soil.
My point in this is – Everyone knows each other in the equipment biz - It’s Nice to remember the old days – somewhat. It’s Good to know where you been and what mistakes were made. AND - Most importantly – the many gentlemen on this site who have decades invested – and a decent reputation – survived only by being honest – and providing a vital service to our industry.
When you buy used machinery – you can get a fantastic deal – but be realistic with your expectations.
Just my $0.02
Erik Naftal
Action Engineering
Erik Naftal
Action Engineering, Inc.
Atlanta, GA. U.S.A.
800-228-4668, 770-934-1584
Re: Used Equipment Dealers - my $0.02
That might just be the most insightful & eloquent statement made on this site all year.
Re: Used Equipment Dealers - my $0.02
I'm sure some of Robert's statements might have something to say about that..............enter gut busting laughter here................
There are some brokers out there trying to flat out rip people off, it's sad. There is one that owes a guy $10K worth of flash units that I just heard about, damn I'd be careful who you deal with these days.
I hope that we can keep this place cleaner in the future so that others won't be caught in a scam.
Re: Used Equipment Dealers - my $0.02
Erik, hilarious. W have an Irish branch and they ring us from the pub or after the pub. It's either promises of hookers or threats of death, that's just the Irish way.
Now on a serious note, I did just now get off the phone to Dublin and was talking about Jeff's Printex issues with them, and Alan there says that suing Printex wouldn't be that hard actually because they would be under European law, and that would override a Polish court so you Jeff could contract an English speaking lawyer anywhere in the UK or Europe and the case would be pretty open and shut, he would win and then could apply to have the company wound up to retrieve his money's if they didn't pay up straight away. It wouldn't be that hard apparently.
Re: Used Equipment Dealers - my $0.02
Wizard winning the case is one thing but what about actually recovering damages awarded? It is basically why we have not bothered with it knowing everyone is broke and,will play the pointing finger game over and over till it all dies away. Trust me if we bought from an established US company that had,real assets and sold us a press that was falsely advertised we would have taken a legal route.
Re: Used Equipment Dealers - my $0.02
Hey Erik with your vast past experience with the brokers how about listing,the ones you know to be ethical and,trustworthy for the folks around here to see. Nothing about bad brokers those guys usually weed them selves out all on their own I am just curious who the good guys are. We all already know Winston and Faust are good guys who else?
Re: Used Equipment Dealers - my $0.02
Inkman I talked to the FBI today for 20 minutes and have sent off our information about Robert Barnes and they are going to reveiw it. I also talked to leon and another guy who got ripped off and was wondering if I could give them your info? This is a crime and we will see this through to the end!
Re: Used Equipment Dealers - my $0.02
I agree Northland!
Great Post Erik. Erik and his dad Lenny (A real Salt of the Earth Guy)
Have been a real blessing to this industry. They have always delivered
great product, and have filled a reel need!
The Infamous Bernie Gomer! a Real POS... He made my first years very
difficult by being the biggest Con Man, Thief, Liar, Ganuff this industry
has known. International Trading Exchange was one of his many aliases!
People would say " I don't want to buy from you, because you will steal my
money just like Bernie. He made current "problem people" look like Angels!
I am sure he is six feet under because of his age, but who knows? He is
out of the industry, unless he came back as ...... Nah! The before NAFTA
days, No Internet, This Industry was SO healthy! People, Competitors,were
Civil. Impressions Mag was 1" thick, SPAI was THE tradeshow, Machine Techs
would try and go "fiddle" with each others machines to make equipment not run! They would catch other and go drink a beer together! Like I said Civil.
Printwizard! - My long last "brother from another mother" He has even got the Irish under his spell!!!
Re: Used Equipment Dealers - my $0.02
Hellow Inkman!
These Guy are some that I have used directly/inderectly and have had
Good Results! I would recomend them all. There are Many I have not used
but have heard good things, but again these I have.
The Left Coast: Kenny Beu Rancho Domingez,Ca
Steve Vermilion Los Angeles,Ca "buster161"
Jeff Bayloe Los Angeles,Ca "cosmo147"
Larry England Los Angeles,Ca
Augustine Lee Los Angeles,Ca
Midwest: Don Fenno Wisconsin
Right Coast: Bill Foust Camden, SC " danilsade"
Interchange NJ
Canada: Cosmex(Enzo) Montreal
Again, There ARE Many More I haven't used but hope to in the future!This is a start.These are all good guys IMHO.
Re: Used Equipment Dealers - my $0.02
Aren't Cosmo (Enzo) and Barney related?
Re: Used Equipment Dealers - my $0.02
Re: Used Equipment Dealers - my $0.02
Glad to see you approve Steve. I have not used him yet but he did contact me when I recently got a used Javelin and I was inquiring about having someone come out and level it and go thru it. He was a little rough on the phone which made me feel a little apprehensive but he sounded like he knew what he was talking about. I may call him when we move to a different shop in November to have him come out and do the work.
Re: Used Equipment Dealers - my $0.02
Steve is a great guy! He does what he says, and finishes the job!
Grumpy? He's Like Me! Must be Low-T. haha
Re: Used Equipment Dealers - my $0.02
I didn't want to call him grumpy so I searched for a nicer word and rough came to mind lol!
Re: Used Equipment Dealers - my $0.02
Beware of Don Fenno
Hello my name is Junior I own a screen printing and embroidery company in southern California
I have a business partner name ray also we are reaching out to warm people about a machine broker
That goes by the name “Don Fenno” we made a deal with him a few months ago with a machine that
He was going to get us for 70,000 so we wired him 63,000 to his account well it’s been more than 2 months
He told us that the machine owner did not want to sell his machine anymore so we ask for out money back
Now he is just giving us the run around with lies after lies at this point we are starting a lawsuit against him
And will be posting on all forums about what he has done to us and others we recently talk to another person
That he has done this to.. Don't know if this will help me recover my money but at least warn people of the kind
Of business man that he is a lier a thief.. We are honest and hard working people that are only trying to better our
Company .. I know a lot of people might not agree and thinks he is a honorable and honest man but we
Have plenty of prof contracts and email from him to prove it...
Please don’t be the next person that this happens to
Don't trust don fenno
And for the record it was Steve Vermillion that recomended him to us...
Thanks for taking the time to read this ...
Junior Vice President
Ray President
Re: Used Equipment Dealers - my $0.02
Clarity here:
Bill did not design or build the flash mention in this thread, I did and some of them are still in service (circa 1993). One of em crushed a can of spray adhesive on a pallet, both the can and the pallet were destroyed, the flash was fine. These were designed for Precision ovals, my slammed up and down in the head approximately 5000 times a day for years.
Bill Wainer is a hell of a mechanic, forgot more than most know. I hope is still around a doing well.
I was asked to rig those belt printers for Ireland, it was decided my expense would be too much money, so the sellers did themselves. That's when things got expensive. I know the whole story, they shipped from Cheraw, SC
Seritech Inc.
Re: Used Equipment Dealers - my $0.02
Beware of Don Fenno
Hello my name is Junior I own a screen printing and embroidery company in southern California
I have a business partner name ray also we are reaching out to warm people about a machine broker
That goes by the name “Don Fenno” we made a deal with him a few months ago with a machine that
He was going to get us for 70,000 so we wired him 63,000 to his account well it’s been more than 2 months
He told us that the machine owner did not want to sell his machine anymore so we ask for out money back
Now he is just giving us the run around with lies after lies at this point we are starting a lawsuit against him
And will be posting on all forums about what he has done to us and others we recently talk to another person
That he has done this to.. Don't know if this will help me recover my money but at least warn people of the kind
Of business man that he is a lier a thief.. We are honest and hard working people that are only trying to better our
Company .. I know a lot of people might not agree and thinks he is a honorable and honest man but we
Have plenty of prof contracts and email from him to prove it...
Please don’t be the next person that this happens to
Don't trust don fenno
And for the record it was Steve Vermillion that recomended him to us...
Thanks for taking the time to read this ...
Junior Vice President
Ray President
Re: Used Equipment Dealers - my $0.02
I guess I need a proof reader....
Seritech Inc.
Re: Used Equipment Dealers - my $0.02
Beware of Don Fenno
Hello my name is Junior I own a screen printing and embroidery company in southern California
I have a business partner name ray also we are reaching out to warm people about a machine broker
That goes by the name “Don Fenno” we made a deal with him a few months ago with a machine that
He was going to get us for 70,000 so we wired him 63,000 to his account well it’s been more than 2 months
He told us that the machine owner did not want to sell his machine anymore so we ask for out money back
Now he is just giving us the run around with lies after lies at this point we are starting a lawsuit against him
And will be posting on all forums about what he has done to us and others we recently talk to another person
That he has done this to.. Don't know if this will help me recover my money but at least warn people of the kind
Of business man that he is a lier a thief.. We are honest and hard working people that are only trying to better our
Company .. I know a lot of people might not agree and thinks he is a honorable and honest man but we
Have plenty of prof contracts and email from him to prove it...
Please don’t be the next person that this happens to
Don't trust don fenno
And for the record it was Steve Vermillion that recomended him to us...
Thanks for taking the time to read this ...
Junior Vice President
Ray President
Re: Used Equipment Dealers - my $0.02
Beware of Don Fenno
Hello my name is Junior I own a screen printing and embroidery company in southern California
I have a business partner name ray also we are reaching out to warm people about a machine broker
That goes by the name “Don Fenno” we made a deal with him a few months ago with a machine that
He was going to get us for 70,000 so we wired him 63,000 to his account well it’s been more than 2 months
He told us that the machine owner did not want to sell his machine anymore so we ask for out money back
Now he is just giving us the run around with lies after lies at this point we are starting a lawsuit against him
And will be posting on all forums about what he has done to us and others we recently talk to another person
That he has done this to.. Don't know if this will help me recover my money but at least warn people of the kind
Of business man that he is a lier a thief.. We are honest and hard working people that are only trying to better our
Company .. I know a lot of people might not agree and thinks he is a honorable and honest man but we
Have plenty of prof contracts and email from him to prove it...
Please don’t be the next person that this happens to
Don't trust don fenno
And for the record it was Steve Vermillion that recomended him to us...
Thanks for taking the time to read this ...
Junior Vice President
Ray President
Re: Used Equipment Dealers - my $0.02
Erik I remember the Ireland story well.......wonder if Tommy G is still around? Thanks for taking my mind off the days chaos for a few minutes. It's true that the days of Liberty, Four Seasons, Printex America, Southprint, just to mention a few in the cotton belt, have long since gone. But then theres some like Paramount and T-Formation that sprouted up in the aftermath. On a side note, maybe one day I'll talk about some of the big guys that thought Mexico, Honduras, and the DR was the answer. That said many did indeed figure it out after watching others fail.
Anyway I have had good experiences with Sieggy. He checks the machines out, inspects them while they are running, and in some cases rebuilds so they are fully functional.
Re: Used Equipment Dealers - my $0.02
Bill Wainer...not heard that name in a long time. Wonder if he's still arouns?
Re: Used Equipment Dealers - my $0.02
I think Bills best contribution to the Oval was the flash design. The Precision one was terrible engineering. My only contributions were the chain guard and the foot pedal that could lock the index to continuous from the load side so pallets wouldn't burn.
Re: Used Equipment Dealers - my $0.02
The last thing I heard on Bill was that he had a Harley Shop in Baton Rouge - I think.
Bill was monumentally influential to us in the early years. It was Bill who motivated our very first entry into the supply side of the industry.
Bill Wainer was quite famous back in those days as a 'technicians technician'. The guy who could fix anything. When Precision introduced their improved registration system called - Front and Rear Location, Bill traveled the lands retrofitting the older machines to the better registration system. He had all the work could possibly want for many years at 10K+ per machine. One machine could be done in two days. No wonder we haven't heard from him. He was probably able to retire before 40! In any even - I went on some of the retrofit excursions with Bill and learned the art of retrofitting machines. It was very fun for me. I really enjoyed traveling the country and meeting so many people.
Anyone recall the Newman-Wainer Clamps for use on an Oval? These were a collaborative effort by Don Newman an Bill Wainer to provide an improved screen clamp for the precisions. Back in the day - they were great!
Tony - I don't remember a flash from Bill. But I do remember the Precision M105 flash cures very well. We rebuilt 100+ of them. Are you thinking maybe of the one from Bill Foust? He offered one ( I think ) that was a significant improvement over the original.
Erik Naftal
Action Engineering, Inc.
Atlanta, GA. U.S.A.
800-228-4668, 770-934-1584
Re: Used Equipment Dealers - my $0.02
Mr. Wizard -it is hilarious now - but I was honestly taking it very serious at the time. It is a great story though... Hookers or Death you say??? - well I surely wouldn't want to die if that was the choice...that seems like a no-brainer.
Erik Naftal
Action Engineering, Inc.
Atlanta, GA. U.S.A.
800-228-4668, 770-934-1584
Re: Used Equipment Dealers - my $0.02
I thought it was Bill who designed the flash......Just remember someone describing it. It used a manual flash panel welded to a 23x31 rigid steel frame. The flash unit mounted just like a typical print screen and the control panel mounted to the clam shell bar. That way the flash lifted with the clamshel when the machine stopped in the up position. Saved that mad dash around to the back to dry cycle the index! I built my own.
Re: Used Equipment Dealers - my $0.02
Bill was not only a great technician, but he was also a great printer. He was the one back in the day that took the Nocona Boot design and made it pop. That was really the begining of the 4 color process movement of great printing. I do remember the the clamps he made...retro fitted all of our presses with them. They were a huge step forward back then. Hope he is doing well....