Vastex 6/6 V2000HD

GraphicDisorder's picture
Johnson City, TN, United States

Vastex 6/6 HD Manual, great press. We have VRS for it as well (Registration jig for 2 sizes of screens). VRS Pin Board. Regular pallets (I think 15 inches x 17 if I am not mistaken), then we have some oversized 16x24s as well. Full set of 6 of both of those. We also have some youth, I think 3 of those, plus a single long sleeve pallet, zipper pallet and a koozie pallet. Will also include a 16x18 Vastex Flash 110v.

$3500, pick up only....firm. Purchased new in 2008, 1 owner, nearly no use since 2011 since we got our auto. Press other than being dusty is nearly new looking. Pictures on request.

Graphic Disorder

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