Vastex 6c6s V2000HD Press, 2 BBC Flash Curers, Workhorse pq-4013 Dryer & Tons MORE

North Adams, MA 01247 United States

Everything is used but in perfect working condition. The dryer was bought brand new in 2005, The Vastex press and everything else was bought in 2014. The dryer is awesome. The dryer will cure around 600-800 shirts an hour. All of the equipment is still set up so you can come out and see for yourself that everything is in perfect working order. Sorry that I don't have any pictures. I will try and get them up this weekend.
Ok here is what I have for Equipment:
Vastex V2000HD 6c6s Press
Workhorse PQ-4013 dryer. I just replaced the bulbs 1 & 1/2 years ago.
BBC MEGA Flash Dryer - 240 Volts, 28x28in with Rotating Stand and Casters
BBC Flash Dryer - 18x18in
About 125 or more Screens
Stainless Steel Wash out booth
Vastex VRS Pin Registration Systems with stand complete with Transfers.
Epson 1430 with all black ink system and w/ accurip software
Separation Studio with USB Dongle Key
Thousands of $$$$ in graphics that I bought. A lot of them have full catalogs to look through and are all in excellent condition.
Aluminum Light box with lid and timer. Works great
30 Gallons of ink, Tons of Cleaning supplies, Everything you will need to run a successful screen printing business.
If you are new to screen printing I will gladly take 3 days to teach you how to use all of this equipment. By the time you leave you will have enough knowledge to run this on your own.

I am located in North Adams, Massachusetts 01247
Phone number is 413-346-4462 Please do not call past 8:30PM EST. I have kids and they are sleeping.

Please if you have any questions ask. I have been printing for over 20 years and know almost everything there is to know about screen printing.

PRICE: $12,000 for everything.

Thanks for looking at my post!!!

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