Vastex # machines ???

DOES ANY ONE have any thing to say about Vastex # machines are they any good I need 3 # machines quick and not sure which to buy.


Ghostwork Ink wrote:
Pocono Numbering system is a lot easier to use, and the price is better

While it's true the first decision is #machine or #system, should really keep the discussion of numbering machines(presses w/ screens) separate from numbering systems(jigs or master frames put on a manual press to hold individual # screens). All # systems and machines have strengths and weaknesses. Depending on your market, lots of 2 color #s, with alot of ink color changes and requests for different # styles and sizes might direct you to the Vastex machine or the Brown machine w/ double flash set up. Lots of 1 color #s w/ limited # styles might direct you to In Line's machine or a numbering system such as you describe or even the often maligned stencil #(cheapest way to get into screen printed #s.) I do not wish to speak for other manufacturer's machines/systems and there are more out there. It's been a # of years since I've actually worked on/with #s and just trying to lay some groundwork with these comments.