VASTEX Manual Athletic Numbering System

Honesdale, PA 18431, PA, United States

VASTEX Manual Athletic Numbering System** - $600.00
(**press not included) System works on most Vastex presses; 6", 8", & 10" systems available

for more information and pictures, go to [url][/url]

Contact or (570) 647-0644

• All 10 digits on one a single screen.
• 9 fonts to choose from… some with shadow & outline options
• Standard font sizes available in 4″, 6″, 8″, 10″ & 12″
• Precision locator for extremely accurate positioning
• Each number is easily positioned center, left, or right
• Print single or multiple colors
• Easy setup and breakdown

Serigraph Factory - Used Screen Printing Equipment

Phone: 1-570-647-0644

There are 15 Comments

Not to be "that Guy" but 4 months ago I bought a 2 color machine and 24 (0-9) 8' screens for $2K. Oh and anyone who needs a wash out sink for these I highly recommend getting a shower basin and put 4 cinder blocks under it and don't leave plastical ink in the screen if it gets over 80 in your shop