By del3213graphix on
May. 18, 2019
Chamberbsurg, PA
United States
V2000HD 6/4 we lightly used we do have a 6/6 spindle that goes with it to make 6/6. 4 adult pallets, 4 youth , and 1 sleeve pallet
Vastex 18x24 swing w/peddle flash unit
(100) mix and match screens 110, 156, 230
Large manual squeegees and small squeegees
Would like to sell as package but consider splitting up if we have interest for every item. Pickup only, cash only
$5500 717-554-4898
There is 1 Comment
Re: Vastex V2000HD
Looking for used hubs to upgrade a 4-4 Vastex to 6-6...I see that you have a hub or hubs. Please let me know what you exactly have and if you want to sell it please!!!