By SoccerEmb on
Aug. 30, 2010
We have an old Vinyl Express LYNX vinyl cutter that has been giving us numerous problems over the last couple years. Sometimes if your cutting something small, it will just stop cutting halfway through, lately the needle pressure has been giving us problems and we can't get it to cut as cleanly, and now the vinyl roll fell off the back rollers and now it won't turn on. Is there something that we can fix or do we just need to start looking at new cutters?
United States
Re: Vinyl cutter problems
what about these plotters?
Re: Vinyl cutter problems
Get a new one.. Roland is good.
Professional manufacturer of HEAT PRESS In China.
Re: Vinyl cutter problems
Being that this is a non USB Cutter, also a bit on the aging side IMO looking at a replacement would be in line if your finances are able. If you find out that you would spend more than what a low end cutter would cost your are not heading in the right direction IMO.