This business can be relocated anywhere in the US. It would be perfect for someone who wants to work from home or expand their current home business. Also great for embroidery shops looking for additional revenue.
Approximately 10% of the sales are local everything else comes from the websites.
Serious Inquires Only Please
Gorgeous, fully redesigned e-commerce website includes:
- point and click editing
- can control inventory
- credit card processing
- affiliate program
- gift certificates
- all photos professionally edited
- mailing list with approximately 1300 emails
- Facebook page with over 900 followers
Website accepts paypal and credit cards right on the site
Website offers almost 2000 items for sale - most do not have to be stocked
1st year sales of May-December 2009 - $19K
2010 Sales over $40k
2011 Sales over $65k
Business includes LLC, DBAs, supplies ($500 at cost), inventory (currently $15000 at cost but varies), etc
Asking $25,000 with inventory of $15k or can be purchased w/o inventory for $10k
There are no machines included in the sale price.
Business needs more attention due to explosive growth it is exceeding my part-time availability
***Only private emails will be acknowledged***
Re: Want to Boost your sales by at least $70k this year?
would you be interested in subbing some of the work out - have a 2-head swf embroidery machine -