Want to get into screen printing?

I am interested in screen printing but I don't know what equipment to get. I want to print to clothing and vinyl. I want to make 4" stickers maybe smaller maybe bigger, but I need to know what is envolved and what equipment is needed to perform these tasks. Thanks -

Greg hamrick's picture

Hello...Are you thinking of doing full color graphics on vinyl? If so, you'll need at least a four color printer to do process printing on. That may limit you on printing dark shirts however, so a six color is ideal. Your going to need, as well as a printer, a vacuum platen, a flash dryer, conveyer belt dryer, exposure unit, wash-out booth, computer with a good printer for seperations and a good program such as Corel Draw. Now little items to mention, the squeegees, scoops, screens, inks and other misc stuff like tape that goes along with it. Nazdar makes good ink for vinyl. You can find that at TubeLite. For shirts, you'll need pastisol or water-based inks. Those are easy to find in any location. The best pastisol that I have found to use is Wilflex.
Sounds like alot of expence...it is...but worth it. If you don't know how to screen print, then take a class or buy a video or book, such as Scott and Pat Freseners "How to print T-Shirts for fun and Profit". You can find a copy at victoryfactory.com. It costs about $40. Then jump into it, you'll be glad you did. There are way too many Hi-Tech ways to print both shirts and vinyl to mention here...it would take a good long while.
Starting small sounds good until you try it and find that you need so much more, or you can start small and like it that way...we're all different.
Oh...do you need a Plotter Cutter for the vinyl? signwarehouse.com might be able to help you there.

Good luck and I hope this helps........Greg

At the edge of dreams lay the far-flung ideals of true creation.