Want To Trade ClipArt Collections...

I have an extensive clipart collection and looking to trade or swap with anyone. Looking for a particular collection but don't want to say what it is for fear of someone saying they have it and don't just to get mine.

Paranoid?... :-)

Let me know if interested.

United States
srimonogramming's picture

I'm closing this thread because what is being done here is not technically legal, and downright unethical. I will leave this thread up but locked so others can see that this type of activity will not be done here.

I apologize for not seeing this thread before but better late than never I guess.

Dot-Tone-Dan's picture

You know, trade or not, I think that falls under illegal. I don't think they could say anything to you but to trade is swindling someone out of a sale of clip art.

Now, swapping your own stock art pile that you created or paid your full time employee to create is a different story. You can give whatever you own away. The thing with licensed clip art is that you, technically do not own it even though you paid money for it. You see, you didn't pay money to own it, you paid money to use it. When they say tha tit is "royalty free", that means you do not have to pay a fee for every use. You pay one flat fee for the right to use that art that this company owns (the company that you got it from). You have the right to use it on your own projects for personal use or for production and profit. You do not own the RIGHTS to the art in order to trade it or give it away. To do so, is staling sales from someone inside your own industry. Read you license agreement with that company.

I once posted that I often get tee orders. Some 24, some 72. Now, if I could get a free tee shirt from all of you on these forums, I would make better profit.

Please send me one tee from everyone who reads this. Just one. I'm not asking for much.
Oh, make it a brand new one of course. Various sizes please. I'm not choosy.

I know this won't make much sense to many and many will be offended as well.
All I can say is, I am just telling you what the rules of the game are. If you cheat in the game, thats all on you.

Dan Campbell
Dot-Tone-Designs - Freelance Designer/Color Separation Specialist & Screen Print (Art Consultant)

Is all clip art copywrited? IF not, is it illegal to sell or trade.

Would each design have to have the little R in the corner?

I know copy writing is a big, technical issue, one lawyers love to deal with, but, it's out of hand.

Mere use of individual letters are argued over.

Like I said, it's out of hand!