By screendoc on
Jul. 26, 2012
United States
Wanted to buy used Cameo 18 flatbed, or similar non air driven printer in good working condition. Please e mail me with pictures and or video of whatever you might have.
Thanks, Peter
There are 4 Comments
Re: Wanted--cameo 18 flatbed
Re: Wanted--cameo 18 flatbed
Wanted to buy used Cameo 18 flatbed, or similar non air driven printer in good working condition. Please e mail me with pictures and or video of whatever you might have.
Actually looking for any brand small foot print all electric flat bed capable of printing image area 10" x 10", in good condition.
Thanks, Peter
Re: Wanted--cameo 18 flatbed
I've got several flat bed presses that i will be selling over the next couple of months. some are still in production and have jobs scheduled on them and won't be available for a little while. and then a couple need a new switch or pots which will take me few weeks to get to. i will be posting pics and videos once their available. please contact me if you have any questions- or if you want to let me know what you plan to be printing i can help you figure out what might work for you.
Dorn/SPE-22x30 w/ quiet vacuum- $2500.(won't be available until oct1.)
cameo 14x24- $2000- (available by mid aug.)
cameo 22x30- $2500- (available next week)
cameo 25x38- $2750- after market vacuum bed (available by sept)
i do have a cameo 12x18 but it is currently modified for 1-color shirt printing. i'm not sure if i'm willing to let it go as i still use it for this purpose. also, there must be worn spot on the worm gear as it has a little stutter in the flood stroke. so i wouldn't necessarily call it "good working condition". it could work perfectly fine for the right application though.
pm me if you're interested to discuss. i'm located in austin tx.
Re: Wanted--cameo 18 flatbed
You could talk to Screen Print Exchange
He has a few for sale, I've bought equipment from him before and he was great to deal with and got a stellar deal on freight for me too.