Wanted exposure unit

United States

Wanted exposure unit (all in one) for frame size 72 x 102 cm:

1. minimum glass size 75 x 105 cm
2. maximum glass size 120 x 160 cm
3. quartz glass in excellent condition
4. power of the lamp 3 - 5 - 7 kW
5. willingness and ability to send to Russia (Moscow), is only possible packaging for transportation.

All offers in the mail.
Kindly requested to apply the letter pictures and descriptions of the model.
look at all options.


There are 14 Comments

new or used
really not interesting?
maximum of two weeks left before the expiration of the offer!

and why? afraid of the terrible words of Russia and the wicked huge bears wandering freely through the streets of Moscow? After all, they can easily deceive you? enough already! it's time to learn to think rationally ...

It's not Russia we are worrided about it's the darn socialism we have here in the US with this $%$$#@%$#%# president we have.

For fwscreener:
do you know what the word socialism? I am sure that you do not know. open the dictionary and read it and say never about what you have no idea. You never had it and never will and you do not know what that means, but shout the loudest of all, it looks stupid and primitive ...nothing personal...