!!!Wanted!!! Large electric dryer

United States

Looking for 48" wide belt electric dryer 220 V 3 phase
At least 12ft. heat chamber, no more than 20 ft overall length (space is limited)
Digital controls are a plus, HIX, M&R or Lawson are prefereable, but are open to other brands.
I will take care from crating/freigth expenses.
Please send your proposa/pictures and further info to:

Juan C. Leyva

There are 5 Comments

varsityink's picture

I have a 20' x 60" dryer that I might let go for the right price. 3 phase, new belt with no holes, it's an M&R Maxi-cure I believe. I think I have extra heat panels and stuff for it too, but I'm not sure. Located in Georgia. Send me your price...

Varsity Ink
serving the Statesboro, Milledgeville, and Savannah, GA areas t-shirt and promotional items needs

"Passionate about Printing"



Over the past year I've purchased from people at this forumtwo HIX BE4819 nice and reliable dryers for $2500 and $4000, all depends on equipment condition and features, let's say the cheaper one was analog controls and somewhat older than the $4500 one, which has digital PID controls, two heat zones, digital speed control and such a nice things.
We rebuilt both to like new codition prior operating them, so let me know what your right price is, I am not limited to these prices but willing to hear and look at what you have.
Thanks in advance for your interest, pictures and a proposal are welcome at jcleyva@velcro.com