By madrod on
May. 08, 2012
Los angeles
United States
I am looking to 6 color or 8 color with flashbacks. Please send info.
There are 13 Comments
Re: Wanted: tuf press
I bought this press from "Rpoore" about a month ago. I only answered because I doubt he frequents this part of the site since he sold it.
Re: Wanted: tuf press
I have a 6 color tuff with 2 flash backs that was retired last january. Was working up to that point, we just upgraded to a 10 color. Needs some refurbishing. Are you still looking
Re: Wanted: tuf press
please send pics and more info price etc. to
Re: Wanted: tuf press
I am also in the market for a user Freedom or Javilin. if you have one, please email specs and photos to
Re: Wanted: tuf press
Might be selling mine but have to secure a deal for a replacement. No flashbacks though just 2 in head flashes.
Re: Wanted: tuf press
we have a freedom 6/8, perfect condition, Anaheim CA, with a flashback, 12K firm. if you are interested email me so we can schedule time for you to come and look at it.
Thank you
Re: Wanted: tuf press
Thanks for the kind words Gilligan, hope all's well with the 3140, and yes that is a very reliable and clean press Gerry is selling , full service and parts support still available thru Workhorse. .
Best of Luck
Re: Wanted: tuf press
I am also looking for a tuf auto.
I am located in the Kansas City area but would be willing to travel within the midwest to pick up a press. I would like a 8 color but 6 color would also be fine. This will be our first auto.
Also looking for a compressor and chiller, or a press with those included.
Re: Wanted: tuf press
I have 6/8 tuff with 2 flashbacks 4 different sizes pallets with the air compressor and chiller $12,000.
Re: Wanted: tuf press
here are a couple shots of the press in storage. $5,000. with 2 flashbacks and some sleeve boards.
Re: Wanted: tuf press
I got my exposure unit (MSP 3140) from the same guy that Gerry got his Javelin from and I can say that my MSP 3140 was in EXCELLENT shape and was well cared for. I'm sure that Peter took care of the Javelin just as well.
"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."
Re: Wanted: tuf press
Yep our Jav runs great. It has developed an air leak that I need to find but other than that the Jav just runs and does what its supposed to do. If anyone is interested send me a PM, I am usually unavailable by phone.
Re: Wanted: tuf press
is this still available? my number is 818-620 -2657 let mw know if it is!