By kylachrisc on Jan. 14, 2008 United States Also need an Exposure Unit Please email thecarpenterspress@charternet Screen Printing There is 1 Comment Submitted by demott5 on Wed, 01/16/2008 - 11:08 Re: WANTED: Used Vastex Econo I or II I have a vastex big red dryer for sale. Where are you located? I can send you photos if you are interested. Need to sell ASAP was asking $1000 need to get $500
Submitted by demott5 on Wed, 01/16/2008 - 11:08 Re: WANTED: Used Vastex Econo I or II I have a vastex big red dryer for sale. Where are you located? I can send you photos if you are interested. Need to sell ASAP was asking $1000 need to get $500
There is 1 Comment
Re: WANTED: Used Vastex Econo I or II
I have a vastex big red dryer for sale. Where are you located? I can send you photos if you are interested. Need to sell ASAP was asking $1000 need to get $500