Wasatch rip w/ all back in 7880?

Is it possible to run black in all 8 channels with the wasatch rip on an Epson 7880. I know I can do this with accurip but I already own a wasatch rip and was wondering if this is possible and if so how to set it up to do so.

tompainesbones's picture

Why would you want to?
You can choose any channel to print from if so desired, you can change the dot volume to give you the right amount of ink.
A single head is more accurate than two heads, by definition. I never got as good results from using multiple heads.

There is no real issue with running multiple head (channels). I have a epson based CTS unit that I regularly run with 4-5 channels and have never once had a issue making a great screen. I can run 55lpi all day with it doesn't even breath hard.

But I still use the film for the over flow work. I just needed to know how to make the ink more opaque. If I try to use it for HD screens it doesn't expose properly b/c to much light gets through.