What "Smaller" Machines are Best Buy

I currently own a SWF single head 15 needle embroidery machine. We love it. The problem is that it's NOT portable, at all.
So as I start to pick up shows and events to travel to I have no way of on the spot embroidery. This is where I want to buy a easily portable machine, that does a good job, is easy to operate and will meet all of my basic needs.
We are about to buy something, but I don't want to just go in blindly. If you have any suggestions, please let me know. Either positive or negative observations are appreciated.

Thanks for the help.

stitchesandthreads wrote:
I currently own a SWF single head 15 needle embroidery machine. We love it. The problem is that it's NOT portable, at all.
So as I start to pick up shows and events to travel to I have no way of on the spot embroidery. This is where I want to buy a easily portable machine, that does a good job, is easy to operate and will meet all of my basic needs.
We are about to buy something, but I don't want to just go in blindly. If you have any suggestions, please let me know. Either positive or negative observations are appreciated.

Thanks for the help.

We also own two SWFs and they are great machines. we first purchased a Babylock EMP6, and have used it for two years with very little trouble, we are lucky that our dealer is nearby and they have been great to work with, so we purchased a second Babylock, this one is the newer version, the EMP8, and I used it today for approximately 6 hours straight at a craft show, and only had one thread breaks. Machines are light enough that I can easily pick it up and with two people it is a piece of cake. We use our SWFs at home all the time for large jobs they are much faster, but we have been very comfortable with the BabyLocks, actually while I was working one show, my wife was at a second with the older Babylock and had no problems. Easy to learn to use and very dependable. I have seen some listed on EBay with 1,000 + hours and millions of stitches. Good luck.

Curtis & Phyllis Ormond, Just for You Accessories.