By appliquefrk on
Jun. 10, 2009
I use for my Bablylock machine? I have a home business and all my threads are Isacord because I have a bernina embroidery machine and they recommend only the best supplies :rolleyes: but I feel that I can cut my costs if I use a different brand . . . any suggestions on what brand to use that is good enough and won't give me any problems of breaking . . . as well as won't affect the quality of my work. :)
Re: what thread do you suggest
Whelp ... First off, are you using Rayon or Polyester thread?
I only run Poly, unless the customer specifically asks for Rayon. You will find on here from most of us, that nobody uses one dedicated brand of thread. We all jump around a little, and have different colors from different brands, just because.
The two big commercial thread manufacturers are Madeira and Robison-Anton. I use a mix of both. I tend to favor Madeira a little more, it seems to be a little smoother at higher speeds. Plus I really like them because they have a warehouse near me, and I usually get my order from them the next day. I use a lot of R.A.'s blues, I have a customer that uses a specific pantone color for their logo, that R.A. has a match for.
For Yellow, I don't like either R.A. or Madeira, I don't think either manufacturer has a nice bold vibrant yellow. I buy my yellow from Marathon thread. I don't actually have much problem with their Poly thread, their Rayon I am not a fan of. They re-did their formulas a few years ago, or at least thats what they say. I do have issues with it breaking at high speeds though, (900+) and it is a little "linty" but its nothing in my opinion you can't deal with.
Overall I would say go with Madeira, I don't know if you have a business Tax ID# or not, but I think you need one to buy from Madeira and R.A. directly, but if not, you can try they are a re-seller of Madeira, and you can order from marathon direct on their website with no tax ID number needed.
Either way, order a color card from them, R.A. Madeira, and Marathon, and go with who you like better. Madeira and R.A have a TON of colors. Marathon, has a bit, but no where near the others.
I am going to presume you have a babylock emp/bmp 6 or 8, the 6 needle professional machine and you use pre-wound bobbins, and tell you that marathon is cheap for bobbins, and they run very nice.
Re: what thread do you suggest
oh thanks for responding to my thread . .yes I only use poly, never rayon. And yes I do have a tax ID# so I will definitely check them out, especially if they give a price break on small businesses :)
and yes again, I got the babylock EMP6 - a used one with less than 200 hours runtime . . am loving it . .the seller had a couple of boxes of prewound bobbins so I think I am good for at least a few months, if not more . .:o
I have ordered from allstitch before - - stabilizer . . .thanks again and will head to the website now to check on pricing. :) have a great weekend.
Re: what thread do you suggest
okay I went to the Madeira site and it is asking me what weight thread to use :eek: do I go 40#?
Re: what thread do you suggest
40# poly neon is what we use from Madeira
Sew Fine Designs
Re: what thread do you suggest
40# is standard ... yes
Re: what thread do you suggest
I also use Madeira poly for most colors. I don't care for the "gold" polys so I use rayon when gold thread is needed. Initially its more expensive but if it runs faster with less down time than that cuts the cost. Their 60wt thread is great for small text.
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Re: what thread do you suggest
If you're looking for a quality poly thread with great color and durability, check out Iris thread. You can find it here: EnMart. The cost is very reasonable and the thread runs smoothly.
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