I was recently in the market for a digitizer based in the US. I was tired of sending my designs overseas and getting emails filled with choppy English and sub-par designs. Brent Burghy (harleydude777) was one of the few that replied to my pleas. I have worked with Brent on several designs and have never had a digitizer who was able to get the design to look as good as his do. I asked for small lettering and he was able to do lettering at .15 inches and have it sew out nicely. My designs always come back crisp and clean and I have fewer thread breaks with his designs than with any of the other digitizers I have used. He may not be as cheap as the overseas digitizers but cheap is what you get when you send your designs away. You really do get what you pay for. I hope to work with Brent for years to come.
I am in no way affiliated with Brent other than to be a very happy customer.
Thank you for taking the time to read through my ramblings.
Re: A Word of Praise for an AWESOME Digitizer!
Contact info?
Re: A Word of Praise for an AWESOME Digitizer!
Brent can be reached @ bburghy@mhtc.net
We have been with Brent for five years now and he has put up with my crap with hardly a wimper:D
I echo infin8appearel - if you want someone who gives fantastic customer service - Brent will not disappoint. His pricing is at a par with other US based digitizers and aims to keep his clients happy. In five years and thousands of logos I have no complaints....zero...zip...nada. Give him a shot.
Albatross Embroidery
Re: A Word of Praise for an AWESOME Digitizer!
very nice! I hope this is the start of a turnaround for Brent... stopping the loss of clients. I mean.. 93 requests for business.. as a "one man shop" seriously?? out of 95 posts only TWO are to help others.. hmmm look it up. all the rest are 'bumps'
I am going to put myself out there and call bull. either you are subbing (offshore) OR you are losing clients at an exceptional rate.
either way.. I dont personally care... what I DO care about is///// start helping people on this forum! dont just ask for work all the time.. HELP people. dude... please. you have experience share it!
Modern Embroidery Designer
Re: A Word of Praise for an AWESOME Digitizer!
Hi Robert-
WOW! I don't know how you fit through the door man. In one quick visit this morning I learned how wonderfull you are. How incredibly successful you are at running a buisness. You slammed Digidana for taking too long on a complex design - and now you have the nerve to suggust that Brent is a lier and subs his work offshore. talk about "bullying and negitivity" You have added absolutly nothing helpful to this post.
If you are really only here to help us peasants why do you have both of your websites listed in your signature? Come on man - I felt like I was watching the debate last night- all bow to the mighty Robert Young!
Why would you slam on other US based digitizers if you wern't trying to boost your own business....you're the one should be called b.s. on!
Robert, I have only done business with your company once before, afraid I won't be back, not that it matters to a big wheel like you. Geeze dude.
Not sure what you are up to Robert but I was extreamly disappointed in your post and honestly think you own Brent an apology.
Sandy Davis
Albatross Embroidery
Re: A Word of Praise for an AWESOME Digitizer!
Thank you very much guys for the kind words.....it's always a pleasure working with you and i hope we have many more projects together in the near future....
Thanks again
Burghy Embroidery Digitizing
Brent Burghy
Re: A Word of Praise for an AWESOME Digitizer!
Are you kidding me Robert…..you do not know me, have never spoke with me, have no idea of my business doings yet you get on here and say things like “ I hope this is the start of a turnaround for Brent... stopping the loss of clients.”, what the hell is that…….you need to get off your high horse there sir just read your thread for your 1,000 post…..WOW……and also, how the hell do you run a business when you are on here most of the time…….excuse me for not having the time to do that……I AM A ONE PERSON BUSINESS and for you to call me out and say I sub out logos overseas is just plain bullshit……I have NEVER nor will I EVER sub out ANY logos…..when my clients need something digitized it is by me and only me and ALL communication is with ME…..
I will not just sit back and have you bash my posts and basically mess with my livelihood, that sir is one thing you do not want to do to any man……. I am not sure what your motives are here Mr. Robert but I have a few personal messages you have sent me in the past that might just open up some eyes on this forum…….are you upset I would not come work for you?
Attached in order are the private messages I have received from you for the people on this forum to read and come to their own conclusions on what your motive is exactly……you Sir have poked the sleeping bear…….
First private message from Robert Young on 3-31-2015:
Several of us are wondering why you have to market now? I mean one person can only handle so much work.. plenty to live on and more! But you seem to consistently ask for more work... are you losing clients? Sorry, not meaning to be rude(although I am sure this is) but we have not marketed in over 10 years... word of mouth has worked all this time.. .and on this site NEVER have I asked for work.. not needed. Are you a brokerage house now?
Um, rude you are…….why the hell does it matter to you if I bump my posts for new clients every once in a while…..
Next message Sent 10-31-2015
hi, Robert here again. lol
Would you be interested in doing contract work? If so what pricing structure do you use? Stitch based, complexity, volume, etc?
What software do you use? We have Wings..(I know, I know, I had my choice and I picked the wrong horse..... and feel too old to change to Wilcom which I believe is the best today)
I fear I may need to start to send work out and like you I have a real aversion to going offshore! I went to West Point so have some values that are pretty much burned into my being.
On a side note, my neighbor is from Wisconsin... just brought me 12 pounds of cheese from there.. WHO can possibly eat 12 pounds of cheese??!!
You have values that are” pretty much burned into my being” as you stated above..….well sir, respect and humbleness are not two of those if I might say so…….
And on 06-02-2016
are you losing clients? I know I am beating a dead horse... and you are only trying to advertise. I get it... but how much can one person digitize? I mean I do $500 per day every day ... that is my personal quota. My employees do different amounts based on their pay rates... that is up to their ability and willingness. But how much work do you need???? I would assume you are swamped? and if you are not then I would think about why? my goodness I fire clients every day .. EVERY day...yet hello..... You have the niche... what is going on? Call me... 210 287 4428... Maybe i can help? West Point here...
If you notice he almost brags about firing clients EVERYDAY……what the hell is that, I do my best to work with ALL my clients to get accomplished what they are looking for in their logo , as we all know some logos are just not that embroidery friendly, I don’t wipe my hands clean of my clients just because, or fire them as Mr. Robert would say…… and again, WHY THE HELL does it matter to him what my client base is and how well I am doing?
Navy Vet here……(as the pompous A$$ would say)
And then on 06-02-2016 (later in the afternoon)
94 posts from you.. only 3 to help others... 66 to BUMP or ask for work... so you were taught to take take take and rarely give? NO WONDER you consistently have to ask for work! my goodness man.. use your experience to help others in the industry.. the orders will follow like a river to the ocean!
Please remember I DO NOT EVEN KNOW THIS GUY or have ever talked to him and he sends me a message like this…..talk about stalking a member…….he is counting my posts and looking into each one to see if I helped someone or not….again, WOW……you do need a life Mr. Robert…….. (oh, and my name thingy on the left side say’s I only have 70 posts. Not sure where 94 came from) and again, WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM WITH ME !
And now we have the response above from this arrogant ***#$%^ who bombed one of my clients threads who was just trying to put in some kind words for me…..i’ll let you guys decide.
Thanks for letting me vent
Brent Burghy
Re: A Word of Praise for an AWESOME Digitizer!
I was no meaning for this thread to become a place for negativity. I'm not sure what this Robert person is really getting at, if it's personal with Brent or what but it sounds like complete jealousy.
As I said before Brent's an awesome digitizer whom I will continue to work with for hopefully years to come where as if this Robert person were to contact me in anyway his advice would immediately be put to the back of the line as self-serving and agrandizing.
I'm glad to have said a few kind words for such an amazing person and digitizer and ask that my future threads not be taken for bickering.
Thank you for your time.
Re: A Word of Praise for an AWESOME Digitizer!
sorry for the delay, I had a family emergency and have been back home for a bit.
So let me get this straight? I only ask for work or talk about myself (brag) twice in 1000 posts... over 900 are to help others. And I am the bad guy? This is only 3 posts per week, not spending all day every day on here.
Was anything I said about myself not true? Maybe it should have been in the MEMBER INTRODUCTIONS part? It still is all true.
My concern is why not help people.. you slam me for my big head and arrogance yet I help every chance I can... not just ASK FOR WORK... and I am the bad guy?
To me , private messages are private. otherwise what is the point? But them being released tells me more.
Modern Embroidery Designer
Re: A Word of Praise for an AWESOME Digitizer!
Both are good, Brent has many positive reviews and Robert is old established player in this niche market
Steven S
Freelance Digitizer and Vector Artist
First Two Designs Free (Embroidery Digitizing Only)
Price $10 per design - Email : digitizingninjas@gmail.com