By jaquette on
Oct. 07, 2012
What are good setting for speed and temp on this workhorse dryer when printing dark shirts with white ink....
What are good setting for speed and temp on this workhorse dryer when printing dark shirts with white ink....
Re: Workhorse pq3011
Tough question. Basically you want the ink to hit 325F all the way through. so 325F for 90 seconds is a good starting point, as long as the temperature readout is accurate on your oven. After that you can experiment with higher temps for shorter times. If you under-cure, the ink with partially wash-out and/or crack when stretched. Over-curing can cause the ink to get a bit brittle too.
The best test is a doughnut temp probe buried in the wet ink and sent through the oven to measure temp inside the ink layer. many just get by with a point and shoot temp gun checking the temp of the print right near the end, but still inside the oven.
Re: Workhorse pq3011
its reading 330 coming out but its still cracking on the stretch test so im assuming its not in the chamber long enough. so just wondering what speed for a reference other people are using, rt now im at 320 temp at 55%
Re: Workhorse pq3011
should be 60-90 seconds in the tunnel to start with.