
Norwalk United States

Looking for a single color one or two station auto sceen press

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Still looking for this type of automatic screen press
If it needs work that is ok , if it is a flat bed press I maybe able to convert so hit me up with what you have

still looking for a flat bed press , want to convert to print shirts so needing work is ok

SPex's picture

Have a cameo 18 flatbed press in stock.. Prints 12x18. Currently set up for a flatbed printing with a vacuum table. AWT sells the t-shirt platen retro-fit for this model.

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I have a cameo 12x18. it has the vacuum bed but I removed it for printing one color t-shirts. I just clamped a couple of pieces of lumber and a platen on it and it worked fine.

pm your email to me and i'll send you some pics.