WTB/ Looking for a M&R Radicure

Melbourne, FL, United States

Hey folks, I am looking for an M&R Radicure (36")to match up with my new auto.It needs to be located in the Southeastern US or within a days drive of central Florida.Single phase would be great,but I realize that they can be converted if needed.The dryer has to be a later model unit, in great shape and priced fairly. Please contact me if anyone has something that will fit my needs.

Thank you


Patrick Durso

Space Coast Uniforms,Signs & Graphics
a Division of BoatMat Corporation
1420 Cypress Avenue
Melbourne,Fl 32935
321.751.4636 Phone
321.751.6973 Fax

There are 2 Comments

Thanks for the replies and leads from all.We are no longer in the market since we acquired a 36/6 Radicure and Thank You Nazdar Miami (Dan Wenger) for the great deal on the dryer. Much appreciated!

Patrick Durso

Space Coast Uniforms,Signs & Graphics
a Division of BoatMat Corporation
1420 Cypress Avenue
Melbourne,Fl 32935
321.751.4636 Phone
321.751.6973 Fax