WTB M&R Saturn 2538 with takeoff

Melbourne, FL, United States

We are in the market for a used Saturn 2538 with takeoff(right or left side) and Vitran UV dryer. Please contact me at the number below if you have something available. I am ready to purchase now and willing to pay a fair price for the equipment.

In addition, I have zero interest in any other brand beside M&R so please respond only if you have the above for sale. Thank you

Patrick Durso

Space Coast Uniforms,Signs & Graphics
a Division of BoatMat Corporation
1420 Cypress Avenue
Melbourne,Fl 32935
321.751.4636 Phone
321.751.6973 Fax

There are 2 Comments

Bearded Lady,
I did in fact leave a phone message for Tony yesterday and some friends in the industry spoke very highly of him and his firm.In addition, a leasing company that I have a longstanding relationship also said great things about CGS sales.Thank you for the lead!

Patrick Durso

Space Coast Uniforms,Signs & Graphics
a Division of BoatMat Corporation
1420 Cypress Avenue
Melbourne,Fl 32935
321.751.4636 Phone
321.751.6973 Fax