I have a lightly used Xante screenwriter 4 for sale. This was bought in the past by someone here and it rarely ever got used. I have a new printing setup and I have no need for it. My company paid a lot for this printer (it was bought new) and I have had it sitting here for a couple years now. I believe there are multiple models of this printer and this is the highest end model. It is the 2400 x 2400 DPI model that cost over $4,000 new at the time. I am only looking to get around $700-$800 for it. The company that prints on our products prefers my other setup but I have seen many compliments on forums concerning the printer. Please email me with any offers.
Page count on the printer is 2253 and it is possible it may need a new toner cartridge.
I also have a Xante Accel-a-writer 8300 available if anyone if interested.
If interested please contact me:
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Re: Xante Screenwriter 4 for sale
This printer has been sold. Thank you for the interest.