You guys might be right!! Is it time to check out the Mustang?

I agree with allot of the downfalls of the Sporty-Tex and BETA machines in general. I also appreciate all of the advice and constructive criticism. Maybe it isn't such a smart choice for my operation.
No matter how you look at we will be adding another press. My thought process is leading me more towards a new Mustang, proven technology and over a decade in production, just a different name. I know Barnes is also involved but what is your real opinion of these machines. This may be my opportunity to get a new machine, not used and still be within budget. Once again what are your views. All info is appreciated.

United States

Maybe it may inspire Rick to be less complacent and he may reinvigorate himself watching the best and worst of Roberts efforts and use what he learns.
Ultimately it's up to 2M, how they can leverage the most out. It's a fine machine that deserves market penetration. They have been going too long to fall, and long enough to know how to do things right IMO. I know they think highly of Rich and MnR and don't condone the trash talk.
I wouldn't right their machines off because of Robert. There are options to buy safely around him, and remember nobody is knocking the machines, so much as the agent.
Must go, typings terrible and I'm nearl finished my fifth eighteen hour day in a row, the age is clicking in and I feel more shattered and can't think like when I was in my twenties...

GraphicDisorder's picture

Printwizard wrote:

I wouldn't right their machines off because of Robert. There are options to buy safely around him, and remember nobody is knocking the machines, so much as the agent.

But don't you have to second guess a manufacture that chooses him as the agent? When I buy a car, I don't talk to the manufacture, I talk to a agent, and if he sucks I walk. In fact if he sucks enough I don't buy that brand.

If 2M doesn't think that wont translate into their brand, they are kidding themselves. You can't just fault a agent, someone put him there, I question that person. Thus I question the company. That's how it works.

It will be easy for Robert to claim it's a flop if it flops because it's a "new" brand and no prior sales to compare with really.

What would be interesting is to see Robert run a existing company's sales with years of prior sales numbers and see how the graph looks as it slides down...

Graphic Disorder

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pushing ink wrote:
Are you talking abouth the head falling from the up position down? The head rest pin and plate is CHEAP at best.

Yes that is what I am talking about, currently three out of six heads do not engage, yesterday one decided to let go right after I lifted it and the corner of the hanger nearly took my head with it. Its a poor poor design and quite dangersous, the whole hanger has to weigh atleast 30lbs maybe more.

inkman996 wrote:
Yes that is what I am talking about, currently three out of six heads do not engage, yesterday one decided to let go right after I lifted it and the corner of the hanger nearly took my head with it. Its a poor poor design and quite dangersous, the whole hanger has to weigh atleast 30lbs maybe more.

The M&R's is built like a TANK!

Binkspot's picture

Learned that lesson long ago.
1. Leave them down
2. Back the pin out, place a rubber strip on top of the print head and lye them all the way back.
3. Be luckey you don't have a Prism, if the heads flop all the way back it knocks the regulator knob off

Owner/Operator of Middletownink

eetherman wrote:
I agree with allot of the downfalls of the Sporty-Tex and BETA machines in general. I also appreciate all of the advice and constructive criticism. Maybe it isn't such a smart choice for my operation.
No matter how you look at we will be adding another press. My thought process is leading me more towards a new Mustang, proven technology and over a decade in production, just a different name. I know Barnes is also involved but what is your real opinion of these machines. This may be my opportunity to get a new machine, not used and still be within budget. Once again what are your views. All info is appreciated.

Good Luck to you and I think you know your business better than anyone! You seem to want to Buy from Robert Barnes and I say its your money and spend away. I think everyone here has given enough info and you seem like you have your done your homework already.:)

GraphicDisorder's picture

eetherman wrote:
I agree with allot of the downfalls of the Sporty-Tex and BETA machines in general. I also appreciate all of the advice and constructive criticism. Maybe it isn't such a smart choice for my operation.
No matter how you look at we will be adding another press. My thought process is leading me more towards a new Mustang, proven technology and over a decade in production, just a different name. I know Barnes is also involved but what is your real opinion of these machines. This may be my opportunity to get a new machine, not used and still be within budget. Once again what are your views. All info is appreciated.

Just look at how well the Playtex's went! Remember he told us they would put M&R out of business (LOL he couldn't even sell 20 machines), they would be the best machines on the market (they break all of the time). Truth hurts.

You are the new Jeff it looks like, just sayin'.

You clearly know what you are doing...right? Why don't you just put up or shut up and do it?

Graphic Disorder

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GraphicDisorder wrote:
Just look at how well the Playtex's went! Remember he told us they would put M&R out of business (LOL he couldn't even sell 20 machines), they would be the best machines on the market (they break all of the time). Truth hurts.

You are the new Jeff it looks like, just sayin'.

You clearly know what you are doing...right? Why don't you just put up or shut up and do it?

More criticism from a guy with obviously more than just a Graphics Disorder.

eetherman wrote:
I agree with allot of the downfalls of the Sporty-Tex and BETA machines in general. I also appreciate all of the advice and constructive criticism. Maybe it isn't such a smart choice for my operation.
No matter how you look at we will be adding another press. My thought process is leading me more towards a new Mustang, proven technology and over a decade in production, just a different name. I know Barnes is also involved but what is your real opinion of these machines. This may be my opportunity to get a new machine, not used and still be within budget. Once again what are your views. All info is appreciated.
You seem to be comfortable with the person representing both presses so I suggest you go for it. Why waste any more time here asking for input you are not going to like. Go for it!

244 wrote:
You seem to be comfortable with the person representing both presses so I suggest you go for it. Why waste any more time here asking for input you are not going to like. Go for it!

I guess i'm just feeling left out that M&R hasn't tried selling me a press yet.

eetherman wrote:
I guess i'm just feeling left out that M&R hasn't tried selling me a press yet.

You will being calling them in less than a year! LOL

Just buy the Mustang and let us know how your choice turned out.

You should be fine as long as you pay NO money until it is installed and I mean NO money. Make sure you have talked to 2m and RPM to see if they will sell you parts and service it, just as a back up. Good Luck!

PS, I would like to see the personal guarantee and contract with Robert Barnes name on it. Also just for shlt and giggles get a quote from RPM and look at their contract language and compare them both with us.

eetherman wrote:
I guess i'm just feeling left out that M&R hasn't tried selling me a press yet.

Go for It! Robert will take good care of you!
It is a good press.
Less talk equal more time printing.
My Daddy told me a loooooong time ago" Convince a Women against her will,
She is of the same opinion still" Switch women with "printer".
Dont feel left out! You will be in good hands!
the winston

eetherman wrote:
I guess i'm just feeling left out that M&R hasn't tried selling me a press yet.

Smelly fishy fishy, your sounding like a certain chubby person has been whispering in your ear, let me guess he told you M&R is going to beg you to buy from them not Barnes lol. Boy if you fall for any of Roberts bs you lost before you even signed a contract. Strange originally you couldn't afford an expensive press yet now you are going to choose one of the most expensive lol.

What a joke.

Just like when Jeff was a huge cheerleader for Barnes... I'll be ignoring you.

Thanks for wasting my time when I tried to give you the benefit of doubt and give you sound advice. Now I see that I was correct all along and you were just trying to manipulate the forum and in reality are being manipulated all the same.

Good luck man... Tell you what. I like the new Jeff just fine... so when things all go south for you and start singing that different tune you come back on here with the apologies like he did and we can probably be friends again.

Until then, ignore on. (I suggest everyone else do the same... we know this song and dance ALL too well.)

"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."

eetherman wrote:
I guess i'm just feeling left out that M&R hasn't tried selling me a press yet.

Second Thought!
M&R Has a BRAND NEW ELEXON that would send your business
through the roof! Since RWB Knows Them So Well , It Would be
a Perfect fit. No warranty or service, but that doesnt seem to matter
to you! Keep an open mind,on this fine,brand new,vintage machine.
Bring Your Checkbook, Lets get this deal done! Dont Let it Slip Away...

srimonogramming's picture

I could be wrong but it looks like Robert is bending his ear a lot. Robert is telling him all the stuff we are going to say before we say it, and it makes him seem more credible. We all know what we are going to say as well, but it is just one of Robert's ways of getting customers to buy into his claims. He tells them, "hey, if you put this thread up on ds, then they are going to come after you"..."see, I told you so". Then the rest of the stuff he says sounds believable.

I think our press is a great machine, and fortunately for you, you can buy that press from more than one person. Ted and Mitch bought a mustang and they both got their machine. I think the mistakes that Robert has made in california and iowa will be duplicated, but who knows, I've been wrong about things in the past. When Robert has moved on to his next get rich quick scheme, you can always go to 2M and get what you need, and who knows, Rick is a good enough guy that he would probably help you out.

I don't think anyone can say anything bad about the press itself, I have an RPM and it's a great machine, but you're not just buying the machine. I trusted the guy selling me the machine as much as I did the machine itself, and if you REALLY trust Robert then who are we to tell you who to give your money to.

But you can bet that there will be quite a few of us out here keeping an eye on the deal if you go with Robert and if it goes sour, you better have some thick skin if you want to hang out here. Jeff has handled it very well, I'd be in jail if someone took 80K from me and didn't give me what I paid for.

Oh, what did I find today? It's a new video.

Well I think in terms of value the 2M machine is great, either the RPM or mustang. You could safeguard yourself by paying 2M and they can credit Robert back his margin on your install then you have managed your risk, some knockers will always knock, but I would talk to Ted too. Have a look at rpm if you wish, they don't come up for sale and hang around long. Weiss and Mariusz at 2M are passionate about seeing people right into their machines. I maybe wrong, and that's what you getasking questions on a forum, but I believe MnR make the best entry level in the diamondback and the ChallengerIII is the only rival to MHM at the top end, but I believe the 2M Mustang or RPM is better than the sportsman by a bit. Remember some people prefer end clamps, and others side clamps, and I will argue side clamps forever in most likely pointless opinions. It is your call, but I would check out a local independent tech or electrical engineers you may use and talk to 2M about support, they will reassure you.
If support is more important to you than machine and features then you can't go past MnR hands down. How much that rates in your decision is your call. I don't think it would be that big a deal breaker though. Alan has had no issues on his rpm I don't think in three years and as Mariusz is in USA I think any issue would be sorted quickly for you.

GraphicDisorder's picture

Folks the Mustang already has more issues then the RPM. Ask yourself do you want Robert as your service guy. Forget the rest. Remember he has walked away from several deals already and crashed a few companies. If you ignore that.... More power to you.

Graphic Disorder

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Graphic Disorder:

Printwizard wrote:
Well I think in terms of value the 2M machine is great, either the RPM or mustang. You could safeguard yourself by paying 2M and they can credit Robert back his margin on your install then you have managed your risk, some knockers will always knock, but I would talk to Ted too. Have a look at rpm if you wish, they don't come up for sale and hang around long. Weiss and Mariusz at 2M are passionate about seeing people right into their machines. I maybe wrong, and that's what you getasking questions on a forum, but I believe MnR make the best entry level in the diamondback and the ChallengerIII is the only rival to MHM at the top end, but I believe the 2M Mustang or RPM is better than the sportsman by a bit. Remember some people prefer end clamps, and others side clamps, and I will argue side clamps forever in most likely pointless opinions. It is your call, but I would check out a local independent tech or electrical engineers you may use and talk to 2M about support, they will reassure you.
If support is more important to you than machine and features then you can't go past MnR hands down. How much that rates in your decision is your call. I don't think it would be that big a deal breaker though. Alan has had no issues on his rpm I don't think in three years and as Mariusz is in USA I think any issue would be sorted quickly for you.

The 2 M machine is a great machine! If that is the choice, buy it from RPM.
If Weiss and Mariusz are passionate about seeing people right with thier
machines, they should have considered this belief BEFORE they got they
got in bed with RWB. This choice could be their "millstone" around their
neck. The poster CLEARLY is on a "fishing expedition" rather than a "honest"
opinion. Will it be Printex next week? Support is critical in this industry! If
I have to "roll the dice" I would rather be in Vegas. Where do Printex customers stand TODAY! Not TOMMOROW? Where is their "brick and mortar"
building with spare parts? Where is the HONEST effort to concretly fix/repair
past and current issues. I am going to see Leon next week, lets see how his
family feels! Good Intentions Do Not Pay The Bills. Is 2M now entangled in
a "fatal" web? Why was RPM treated this way? He is a good guy? If I were
him, I would "knock off" the the 2M machine and let them enjoy their new
affair! Rick is a smart dude! He could do it! Alan is a "Blessing" to this industry, as are most "Others" on this board. I am proud of all of them for
making sure, this industry stays Healthy!
the winston

californiadreamin wrote:
The 2 M machine is a great machine! If that is the choice, buy it from RPM.
If Weiss and Mariusz are passionate about seeing people right with thier
machines, they should have considered this belief BEFORE they got they
got in bed with RWB. This choice could be their "millstone" around their
neck. The poster CLEARLY is on a "fishing expedition" rather than a "honest"
opinion. Will it be Printex next week? Support is critical in this industry! If
I have to "roll the dice" I would rather be in Vegas. Where do Printex customers stand TODAY! Not TOMMOROW? Where is their "brick and mortar"
building with spare parts? Where is the HONEST effort to concretly fix/repair
past and current issues. I am going to see Leon next week, lets see how his
family feels! Good Intentions Do Not Pay The Bills. Is 2M now entangled in
a "fatal" web? Why was RPM treated this way? He is a good guy? If I were
him, I would "knock off" the the 2M machine and let them enjoy their new
affair! Rick is a smart dude! He could do it! Alan is a "Blessing" to this industry, as are most "Others" on this board. I am proud of all of them for
making sure, this industry stays Healthy!
the winston

Hi Winston, I don't want to second guess or speculate or repeat what I have been told in depth, but the short of it is Robert had some kind of relationship with 2M sometime in the first generation Rhino days, and back then to when or what level the relationship was ok. Skip forward and Rick took over the distribution of the modified line under the RPM badge, and he grew his business and service quite well, but got to an awkward stage of flat out busy, but not taking people on to grow and cope. The result being that RPM didn't return every call, maybe the service level lagged a little and maybe they lost sales, maybe they didn't, but the once personal and prompt service got a bit of dwell time to it. So up pops Robert again, random conversation, he's trying to sell automatics and across multiple brands, meanwhile 2M want to recover more sales and pick up the lag that has developed, their previous dealings with
Robert were not so bad and they really need sales, so along comes the modified Mustang with. Larger print format etc, new badge and colour but in most other senses it's the same machine as the RPM. Robert gets lots of attention, a couple of quick sales on the board, and that is what 2M need. I got a 2M agency for essentially the same badged Mustang and will bring one down here sometime soon and Mariusz will come do the install.
I am not defending Spiderman, I'm defending 2M. Tough call, but they needed more sales than Rick was putting through and they were loosing some prospects, Robert no matter how much anybody dislikes him still manages to get sales and solves their problem picking up what Rick couldn't or wouldn't with RPM. Now Robert will scare and Polarise, but his videos will bring the machines to people's attention and if Rick could make the time he may end up mopping up sales of people where Robert generated interest and PR and hype, but they were after a safer purchase and go through Rick, in that case it still solves 2M sales
Pipeline and budgets.
I feel they are different people, quite earthy and proper and a lot like Rich. I have never met Andrew from Printex, but I could not feel they would let any problem drag on their machines. They are differ people behind what they make where Printex is not honorable and didn't care. major difference. I think
Robert knows he wouldn't get away with anything with them so he just has to do the deals in the proper manner.

Wizard I agree with what you just posted, I always thought Rick being a one man show essentially would eventually need to change so I understand 2M's need to open up the pipline for more sales. What shocks me is choosing Robert to do this when we all know there is other more reputable organizations that could have done this easily. While you are correct Roberts initial sales flurry and gorilla marketing might seem promising for 2M it is whats down the road and Robert pattern of leaving a disaster in his wake that should concern 2M. Hell I already lost respect for 2M and Printex for not doing something about Robert taking on new brands right under their noses.

Lets say hypothetically the new China press is widely popular and successful and the machines start rolling in like new Ipads off the shelf, imagine what that means to 2M's market share? Why would anyone buy a press for twice the money when they can get a hybrid Printex/Sportsman and probably Mustang as well for half the cash.

Printwizard wrote:
Hi Winston, I don't want to second guess or speculate or repeat what I have been told in depth, but the short of it is Robert had some kind of relationship with 2M sometime in the first generation Rhino days, and back then to when or what level the relationship was ok. Skip forward and Rick took over the distribution of the modified line under the RPM badge, and he grew his business and service quite well, but got to an awkward stage of flat out busy, but not taking people on to grow and cope. The result being that RPM didn't return every call, maybe the service level lagged a little and maybe they lost sales, maybe they didn't, but the once personal and prompt service got a bit of dwell time to it. So up pops Robert again, random conversation, he's trying to sell automatics and across multiple brands, meanwhile 2M want to recover more sales and pick up the lag that has developed, their previous dealings with
Robert were not so bad and they really need sales, so along comes the modified Mustang with. Larger print format etc, new badge and colour but in most other senses it's the same machine as the RPM. Robert gets lots of attention, a couple of quick sales on the board, and that is what 2M need. I got a 2M agency for essentially the same badged Mustang and will bring one down here sometime soon and Mariusz will come do the install.
I am not defending Spiderman, I'm defending 2M. Tough call, but they needed more sales than Rick was putting through and they were loosing some prospects, Robert no matter how much anybody dislikes him still manages to get sales and solves their problem picking up what Rick couldn't or wouldn't with RPM. Now Robert will scare and Polarise, but his videos will bring the machines to people's attention and if Rick could make the time he may end up mopping up sales of people where Robert generated interest and PR and hype, but they were after a safer purchase and go through Rick, in that case it still solves 2M sales
Pipeline and budgets.
I feel they are different people, quite earthy and proper and a lot like Rich. I have never met Andrew from Printex, but I could not feel they would let any problem drag on their machines. They are differ people behind what they make where Printex is not honorable and didn't care. major difference. I think
Robert knows he wouldn't get away with anything with them so he just has to do the deals in the proper manner.

Hi Printwizard!
I am very happy for your new venture! You will do just fine..
2M makes a nice machine, and we all have to make the best
choices, that will hopefuly keep us in business. 2M will get a good
dealer/agent with Printwizard! IMHO I would name the said machine
"Printwizard" as the name "mustang" will only get you "hung like a horse"
at best! Would 2M make the same choice today, with what they now
know? That will be their legacy! Many think monies taken as deposits
were from 2M's competitor Printex. Rob Peter To Pay Paul! I also understand
Loyalty in relationships. I am a big fan of Loyalty! However if a relationship
becomes "TOXIC", One with an of ounce integrety, must then ask themselves
if the relationship is really worth it! I am sure 2M has or will cross this road!
I hope they make the correct decision! The videos will only hurt 2M faster!
It reminds me of printers who are printing at cost, but are going to make it up
in volume!

inkman996 wrote:
Just discovered another very dangerous problem with my Printex yesterday, nearly ended up with a major head injury ugh.

I think I will post a pic or two later to show what I am talking about.

Are you talking abouth the head falling from the up position down? The head rest pin and plate is CHEAP at best.

californiadreamin wrote:
Hi Printwizard!
I am very happy for your new venture! You will do just fine..
2M makes a nice machine, and we all have to make the best
choices, that will hopefuly keep us in business. 2M will get a good
dealer/agent with Printwizard! IMHO I would name the said machine
"Printwizard" as the name "mustang" will only get you "hung like a horse"
at best! Would 2M make the same choice today, with what they now
know? That will be their legacy! Many think monies taken as deposits
were from 2M's competitor Printex. Rob Peter To Pay Paul! I also understand
Loyalty in relationships. I am a big fan of Loyalty! However if a relationship
becomes "TOXIC", One with an of ounce integrety, must then ask themselves
if the relationship is really worth it! I am sure 2M has or will cross this road!
I hope they make the correct decision! The videos will only hurt 2M faster!
It reminds me of printers who are printing at cost, but are going to make it up
in volume!

Hey Winston do you have m2's phone number in illinois?