ZSK, Butterfly, Meistergram

Does anyone know anything about these companies, machines, service/support?

United States

The best machines my machine serviceman told me are Barudan, Tajima and ZSK
These have been best over the years
Just call ZSK, because when i talked to them, they said their machine are made different, but they can teach you how to take apart your machine and put it together, and I wish my company do that.

if you are starting a business I will suggest you barudan hands down ZSK is the mercedes benz of the embroidery machine but I notice it lack of good support in the state. on the Meistergram is a chinese machine support dont know. barudan tajimas and ZSK are workhorse Barudan have the high resale value of all of them

Does anyone happen to know a technician that is familiar with these Butterfly machines? I have a B-1502; 2 head; 15 needle I need repaired.