1997 12 head Barudan vs 1999 6 head Happy

We have an opportunity to purchase a used machine:

Barudan 12 head 9 colors model year 1996-1997
model# bensme-yn-12
Price $16,000.00


Happy model year 1998-1999 6 head 12 colors
model# HCG-1206-45TTC
Price $12,000.00

Which of these is the better deal and how good a deal are they.

id say the barudan but ill tell you something call barudan first ill tell you why,
some of these older barudans are selling for cheap because the parts are impossible to find.
call barudan give them the model and they will tell you if the parts are still being made..
if so go with the barudan

if not go with a tajima no happy theyre ok machines but not as good as barudan or tajima.

Turns out that the 12 head cannot work at my current location and I'll take you advice and pass on the Happy...

or should I offer a rock bottom amount - what would be a great price for the Happy?

12,000 is a good price id say but i think you could get it for 10,000
i wouldnt buy a happy though honestly or a melco. it stay with tajima or barudan. but 10,000 would be good.