Hi. I am totaly new to this and may be getting in over my head, but I am going to give it a try. I am a Home Based Travel Agent, and I get A LOT of clients asking for things, like Tee Shirts, Hats, Bags, etc that have my Logo and information on it, to promote my business.
I am thinking of perhaps purchasing a small machine, that I would be able to do a small amount of these types of things with. I am not a large company, so I don't need anything to big or expensive, I don't think.
So I would like some advice as to what you would suggest I buy? How do I get my Logo and Information (ie Name and Telephone number) on to such a machine, to have it embroidered onto these types of items (shirts, hats, bags etc)
Can you tell I am clueless?? :o) Thanks for any imput you can offer.
Re: Advise?
Nobody can help me out????:confused:
Re: Advise?
Welcome to the forums :)
Can you tell us how many pieces do you think you will be embroidering a day? I know you stated "a small amount," but just to be clear.
Re: Advise?
Thanks Marc
I would only be putting my logo and info on say 20 or 30 pieces a month, max probably
Re: Advise?
Buying from a local dealership is best, especially for those who are completely new to embroidery for training and after-sales support purposes. Be sure to know how much training is included beforehand.
30 pieces a month is not that much at all. A home embroidery machine will get the job done just fine. A decent home machine will set you back at least $1,500. Of course, there are cheaper machines, but they have limited features, a slower stitch speed, and a smaller embroidery area. The high-end home machines have all the bells and whistles etc., but they cost much more ($4,000 plus).
You also have to set aside money for accessories and supplies (stabilizers, threads, needles, cap/hat hoops). Make sure the machine you're interested in has a compatible cap/hat hoop.
Digitizing software like Embird would cost around $250. Not all machines can connect directly to a computer or accepts typical computer media (floppy diskette, CD, DVD, etc.) so you may also need a reader/writer box to load your digitized logo from your PC to the machine. Reader/writer boxes like Ultimate Box II cost around $200. However, I do not recommend you begin learning digitizing until you've mastered the embroidery process. It would be best to let a pro digitize your logo. Tell the digitizer that your logo would be embroidered on shirts AND hats.
The prices I've stated are estimates only and do not include taxes.
Having said all that, you can just find a local embroiderer to get the job done for you.
Re: Advise?
Marc, you have been so helpful! Thank you so much. I will check into a local dealer around here, and research with them
Thanks again,