By Visual Mechanics on
Jul. 09, 2015
About to purchase an M&R Gauntlet RS want to know if a 7.5hp compressor is sufficient to run the press. 34cfm.
Its unlikely I will be running all heads at the same time. Typical workflow is 3-4 colors max.
Re: AIR requirements Gauntlet RS
In my shop I have two 10 hp piston compressors running a Gauntlet RS 6 colour and a 10 colour Challenger II (servo / AC heads) which uses very little air.
With just did a 3 colour job and the Gauntlet uses a lot of air. at 70 dozen per hour our second compressor was kicking in a lot.
Buy what you can afford but bigger is always better especially if you plan on getting a second auto in the future.
Re: AIR requirements Gauntlet RS
You just stay in your delusional world. I really pity you.
Re: AIR requirements Gauntlet RS
You are the one living in a fantasy land of your making. I work with a man that owns his own company and has been selling and installation air compressors in the Southeast for over 45 years and if he ain't an expert than who the hell is? not You Sonney that everyone in Georgia knows for sure.Hell You know nothing about presses let a lone how much air they take, all any one has to do with an M&R is read the first few pages in their press manual. to know for sure.:mad:
Re: AIR requirements Gauntlet RS
Sonney you don't know a damn thing about M&R machines so why are you giving bad advice? Gauntlet RS'S need minimum 10hp air compressor.
Re: AIR requirements Gauntlet RS
Really? You DO NOT know what I do or don't know. He said he would not be running all heads so my answer is correct. By the by a 7.5 horsepower screw compressor will put out 34 cfm. You stay on your side of the tracks and I'll do the same. Do not ever presume my knowledge level in this industry and you will be left alone.
Re: AIR requirements Gauntlet RS
Really? You DO NOT know what I do or don't know. He said he would not be running all heads so my answer is correct. You stay on your side of the tracks and I'll do the same. Do not ever presume my knowledge level in this industry and you will be left alone.
Re: AIR requirements Gauntlet RS
7.5 horse rotary screw compressors put out in the 30's for cfm at 90-125 psi
Re: AIR requirements Gauntlet RS
How many colors? Is it AC Servo? Short answer is probably yes.
Re: AIR requirements Gauntlet RS
One could simply call M&R or their website to get the info from the mfr. Don't know why anyone would ask here. That said determining air req based on # heads is faulty logic. Indexer and table lift chew up most of the cfms
Re: AIR requirements Gauntlet RS
First off he did not specify screw or recep 7.5 hp. and next when did you become a expert on M&R Equipment when you hate it, and never learned to run one. And when did you become an expert on air compressors, you don't know the first thing about presses let alone air compressors. all you know is selling supplies, and you aren't the smartest printer in the world in fact you know very little about printing. Everybody that knows you here in Georgia thinks you are a big joke, that you know in fact very little about printing. You see I am a expert on printing equipment you sure as hell aren't so don't give crap information to people and you stay on your side of the fence. You Clown.