Any Reviews on M&R Gauntlet

Prosperi-Tees's picture

Just got an email from someone that has a refurbed 6/8 Gauntlet for sale mid 90s model. Any opinions?

Spider-Machines's picture

gerryppg wrote:
Just got an email from someone that has a refurbed 6/8 Gauntlet for sale mid 90s model. Any opinions?

How much $$$

Robert Barnes
Spider Machines

BlackBerry PIN: 322321FD
Skype: robert.w.barnes

Visit us on the web:

Service for New & Used Screen Printing Equipment
Auto Presses:
M&R - Gauntlet, Challenger, Formula, Sportsman, DiamondBack
RPM Press, Printex, Anatol

Robert Barnes was the Founder of Progressive and designed the Falcon line of Automatics Printers currently being sold by Workhorse Products

Spider-Machines's picture

Waaaaaaay Tooooooo Mucho $$$$

Robert Barnes
Spider Machines

BlackBerry PIN: 322321FD
Skype: robert.w.barnes

Visit us on the web:

Service for New & Used Screen Printing Equipment
Auto Presses:
M&R - Gauntlet, Challenger, Formula, Sportsman, DiamondBack
RPM Press, Printex, Anatol

Robert Barnes was the Founder of Progressive and designed the Falcon line of Automatics Printers currently being sold by Workhorse Products

preston's picture

gerryppg wrote:
Just got an email from someone that has a refurbed 6/8 Gauntlet for sale mid 90s model. Any opinions?

Talk to Homer over on SPOF. He bought a used Gauntlet a year ago of about that era I believe. Not 100% sure it was a gauntlet but I know he had issues with the way either the squeegee or flood bar stayed pressed down on the screen all the time and it made it hard to tweak the registration on a screen if needed. He bought some upgrade kit but the last I heard it still did not resolve that issue for him.

Yep, a 94 Gauntlet.

He had several issues but here is one talking about the squeegee flood bar thing.

screenmachines's picture

Printwizard wrote:
Mid 90's, they don't last long for a model that was one of their better built classes.

They last a long time, if not why is it still around. Do yourself a favor, don't listen to theses clowns.

"Keep the the ink moving and you make money..."