An Alternative to Corel???

I got an email from Adobe saying that they are releasing CS6. That I am aware of the only digitizing software utilizes Corel draw. Is there any software that utilizes Illustrator?? If so, I would be interested as I have CS at home and am very familiar with Adobe products and with Corel, I would have to learn its idiosychracies and that is another learning curve.

Robert Young's picture

hi , are you referring to AUTO digitizing?? STOP if you are.. lol ... sorry, we only use bitmaps for our digitizing as we still hand punch everything.. I am sure eventually software will be superb.. but right now , to me at least, it only gives a poor job of 2 dimensional embroidery... no WOW with auto. Just flat, boring stuff.

Modern Embroidery Designer

What I mean is that drawings and wilcom are both add ons to Corel Draw. You have to have Corel in order to use these programs. I am wondering if there is software that utilizes Adobe Illustrator as its base program. For me this would be great as that is what I use at work so my knowledge level is high and I would only have to figure out the digitizing part of the sequence. If Corel Draw is the only horse we have to work with then I would have to learn that as well as the digitizing sofware (which ever that would be (what do you recommend)?? I have been to your website and it looks like you are pretty knowledgeable with digitizing. My thoughts would be to have the intricate pieces brokered out to digitize and I could do the simple pieces inhouse. I do not know what AUTO digitizing is so. I know that Drawings and Wilcom both save out their files into different formats for the different machines that everyone has. I am just wondering if there is an easier way (software that I already know) to do this. Please keep asking me questions like this because the more you ask, the more I learn. I know, kind of of wierd way of helping but it works. Thanks.

AJST's picture

Forte' uses Drawings Converter to digitize vector graphics including Adobe Illustrator files. Drawings Converter is a product from Drawstitch.

Drawings Converter does a fast job digitizing simple vector graphics, but like Robert said the result is "a poor job of 2 dimensional embroidery... no WOW with auto. Just flat, boring stuff." The design is in DST form which limits your ability to edit the design.

If you know Adobe Illustrator there is a learning curve, but you have a heads up on someone not familiar with vector. Digitizing is a art form in itself. You can turn out a lot better looking designs doing the digitizing yourself.

AJ’s Stitchin’ Time
Dennis Wilson
Embroidery Machine Technician