another rant for the day

what is it with people forgat how to do bussiness

buyer beware all over the place

just got "burned" saw a posting, called made arragments to pick-up press, get a call sold to someone else, peoples word these days just isn't what you would expext or want to do bussiness with

please if you don't know how to conduct business in an honorable fashion find someone else to sell your stuff

i'm just trying to by a press have cash and i want to see it before i give it to you is there something wrong with that?

I fully undersatand. I sent sewnprintar a deposit of $350.00 for a machine he advertised on this site. He took the money and ran. Never saw the machine or the money. He does not even live at the address he gave me. They say there is a sucker born every minute, I guess I just took him at his word. I guess the police will just take him when they find him!!

I can understand too !
2 weeks ago we did 1 design free for Ezeee Embroidery Co. ( the contact persone is Dan, from Canada ... ) then he said he wanted to try another one ! we agreed ! after did 2 designs free for him,he sent a lot of other designs ( more than 30 names and other designs ) and said he needed it urgently ... said he had set up deposit to our bank ... we did all ... but never received his deposit ... then he did not contact us again ... the phone number is a fax ...

:) embroidered patches,embroidery digitizing,and more ...