Are Clients really this smart??

Robert Young's picture

I hear a lot of interesting things as a digitizer....but today this one really had me scratching my head.... client sends in this request: "Hi, I had this dst file done by you in 2010. Is there any chance you can give me a new dst file that can be used by a different embroiderer? Thanks."

I opened the dst, it matched the file done 2 years ago.. it was the SAME file... so what? a dst file is Embroiderer specific now?? She is our client, she paid us for the file, the dst is hers, it is not like she is bringing us some competitor's file to try and match.


Modern Embroidery Designer


We are deeply entrenched in "standard"... but only one way to change that.

"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."

Robert Young's picture

New year and they are out in force people!!!!!

Last week a clients sends an edit request in because she cannot PRINT the runsheet... what did WE do to her design as she has been able to print the others. Well maam... we have a new techno button in digitizing that DESTROYS printers.. so sorry. we must have accidentally hit it.

She comes back two days later... "so sorry, my husband unplugged the printer from my computer so he could print from his, lol " UH... didnt have the heart to advise of wireless.

So glad that she instantly just assumed WE did something wrong.

Modern Embroidery Designer

Robert Young's picture

Client calls Friday to ask why her design has NO trims in it... we look at it and see that after the initial digitizing where she wanted a trim between each and every letter she sent in an edit request to remove the trims between individual letters but keep them between words.. closest point of course. which we did, enlarging each letter individually to compensate (not part of the original instructions but we did for free)

but the revised file still had trims between elements and words, so not sure why she saw NO trims at all... after a bit of back and forth she discovers that "someone" had turned OFF the trims on her machine!

Yep.. again, thanks for assuming your digitizer did something to mess with you.

Modern Embroidery Designer

Robert Young's picture

Sunday a client sends an order in from 2010 saying that she just messed up 2 jackets due to our design looping on top of the embroidery in the filled areas and what were we going to do about it.

over 2 years later? OK, so I googled "thread looping on top" and got 5 really amazing explanations concerning the subject.... I forwarded each of them to her. then I searched on this forum for thread looping and found a nice thread, which I also advised her on.

NOT ONE had any mention of digitizing as the issue for thread looping in a fill on top of the fabric... or birdsnests, or bobbin showing on the top side, etc. All concerned the thread tensions, bobbin tension, cleanliness of the bobbin case, thread being threaded through the machine correctly, etc.

SO I am to pay for two of your jackets that recently were messed up for a design you have had since 2010 over thread looping?

Of course I never admitted yet again about the secret THREAD LOOPING button that all us digitizers have access to... and that take over 2 years to activate! evil I know! sorry.

Modern Embroidery Designer

Robert Young's picture

today we digitized a 2500 stitch design for a client... she calls wanting us to increase the stitchcount to 6000. NOT increase the size, just the stitchcount. She is not sewing this in puff. We advise that this design really only needs 2500.

She insists that since her embroiderer is charging her for their minimum which apparently is 6000 stitches, then she WANTS her designs to be 6000 stitches.

UH?? so much for quality.. lets see how you like the image being cut out of the machine by the needles? or how the embroidery will pucker after a wash... but hey... she got her moneys worth out of her embroiderer I guess.

Of course we advised her the issues and asked her to listen... no doing.

Modern Embroidery Designer

Robert Young wrote:

But I have found this forum a more acceptable way to vent and share and based on the responses from other digitizers they seem to go through many of the similar scenarios.

I think most of my posts (or at least I hope) are helpful and are worth reading, but I do have a couple of threads that are just like this one or about those that don't pay, etc. But all are honest.

These are some of the most awesome collections. I grew up reading the Reader's Digest Humor in... sections so this kind of writing is right up my alley.

Robert Young's picture

today a client sends an order in for an edit...: "could you please make all the satin borders a bit thinner to lower the stitchcount for us?"

These are just regular satin borders, no underlay... making them thinner does not decrease the number of stitches, just the WIDTH of each stitch... it took a while for them to grasp this concept.

I think they thought less coverage of the fabric always equated to less stitches being used. but still.

Modern Embroidery Designer

Robert Young wrote:
today we digitized a 2500 stitch design for a client... she calls wanting us to increase the stitchcount to 6000. NOT increase the size, just the stitchcount. She is not sewing this in puff. We advise that this design really only needs 2500.

She insists that since her embroiderer is charging her for their minimum which apparently is 6000 stitches, then she WANTS her designs to be 6000 stitches.

UH?? so much for quality.. lets see how you like the image being cut out of the machine by the needles? or how the embroidery will pucker after a wash... but hey... she got her moneys worth out of her embroiderer I guess.

Of course we advised her the issues and asked her to listen... no doing.

Advise her to find a new embroider, 6,000 stitch minimum ridiculous.

BTW metric rules, I worked strictly in metric both in pipefitting and cabinet making it is superior to imperial but for this country to change is an immense cost, I read some where once that the actual cost in total would be astronomical.

Oh, I had one too!!

Your's about the 10k'ths of an inch made me think of it.

They come by a while back looking for a used computer as they are starting a new business. They see we do shirts and embroidery and get excited and so do I... I love new clients and these guys seem loyal as they are understanding the struggles of being a small business owner. I mention biz cards and he's like "oh man, that would be great... I've been fighting with ours in MS Paint. :eek:

I beg him to download Inkscape or at least Gimp to do it in.

Well, they finally get back to us a couple of months later and want to do these biz cards ($60/1000 plus art fees)... well they want to stay as close as possible to the $60... They show me the "art work" and it's TERRIBLE, It's an EXTREMELY basic cross with some text. So I'm like, look we can recreate that for you and we will only charge you $75 for everything... $15 bucks art charges. Trying to help them out.

Well, he starts telling me how he's measured everything on his screen with a ruler and it needs to be this, this and this.

I'm like, just send us what you have and we will take care of it.

So we lay theirs under it and draw it on top in Illustrator and send them the proof.

We get an email back on the weekend saying "I know it's the weekend but can you please call us at your earliest convenience... blah blha blah... we are not satisfied... blah blah blah... lengthy email"

My wife gets a copy of this email and is like "why did you let me read that?" She's ******. So we decided we needed to "fire" them.

I send them an friendly email bowing out and that we just don't think we are the right shop for them. Think about what kind of a pain in the *** that would be for embroidery and screen printing stuff later!! "it's crooked", it's got a little loop of thread here. HELL NO!

I gave him a few examples related to his field to show how nit picky he was being without being a douche.

Surprisingly he came in and shook my hand and thanked me for being honest and they understand that they didn't have the budget to get EXACTLY what they wanted at this time. Even brought back one of my Outdoor Cap catalogs I had given him, I told him he didn't need to do that.

Only bad thing is they wanted to work together in the future when they do. *face palm*

All and all, good results but holy crap that was insane. And they literally wanted EXACTLY like their publisher design (they upgraded). My wife had put a nice subtle drop shadow on the cross to give it a bit of depth and pop and they didn't want it.

I mean, it was probably one of the worse design jobs I had ever seen and they were amazed by my wife's work and the things that she had done to other people's "boring" but better than their business cards before. Yet they didn't trust her with a single element of the design.

OH, and when I told him he could go two sided for the same price... they got all excited then came back with a card that was the exact same on both sides... "ever seen that before?" I answered completely honestly... I said, "nope, I sure haven't." ;)

"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."

Robert Young's picture

Today a client has a design that is 1.5 inches wide... her edit requests asks us to make the file wider.... needs to be 1 1/5 inches wide.

ok, file is already 1.5 and you want it wider to ... 1.2 inches? Even if she meant 1.5.. that would not be wider as the file is already 1.5..

apparently she was measuring off the image on her monitor.

Modern Embroidery Designer


One of these days I'm going to make your list of stupid requests...I know I will since either you or someone who works for you is often a smart ASE in their responses back.

I'll be famous some day as well.


Along that line, the people who nickel and dime you are the ones that will examine the embroidery with a magnifying glass and want to see it multiple different ways without wanting to pay anything for it. You were right to let them go because the time you would have spent would have far exceeded what you would have made on them or could have made with a different customer during that time.

Robert Young's picture

repogolfer wrote:

One of these days I'm going to make your list of stupid requests...I know I will since either you or someone who works for you is often a smart ASE in their responses back.

I'll be famous some day as well.


well if you do I would not know it was you...(as I dont know who you are or what company you represent) I never give company names nor do I even know the names of the people who are requesting these items... don't know if it is an owner, a spouse, an employee or the actual customer. What I do know is that they are real requests and they baffle me.

But I have found this forum a more acceptable way to vent and share and based on the responses from other digitizers they seem to go through many of the similar scenarios.

I think most of my posts (or at least I hope) are helpful and are worth reading, but I do have a couple of threads that are just like this one or about those that don't pay, etc. But all are honest.

Modern Embroidery Designer

Robert Young wrote:
but even in English... today a client had these instructions for dimensions: "Please proceed based on 9.5073" x 4.8175" Thank you"

so we are taking embroidery to the 10,000ths of an inch????

Ha! let them know that .0001 is less than the thickness of thread.

Robert Young's picture

From client: "hi, i would like this file 16cm wide by 3.7cm tall , the white area is the garment showing through. What size do you think this will end up being?"


well gosh, I dunno... maybe 16cm wide by 3.7cm tall? just guessing though, this higher math and following your instructions is very confusing to me.

Modern Embroidery Designer

Robert Young wrote:
Sunday a client sends an order in from 2010 saying that she just messed up 2 jackets due to our design looping on top of the embroidery in the filled areas and what were we going to do about it.

over 2 years later? OK, so I googled "thread looping on top" and got 5 really amazing explanations concerning the subject.... I forwarded each of them to her. then I searched on this forum for thread looping and found a nice thread, which I also advised her on.

NOT ONE had any mention of digitizing as the issue for thread looping in a fill on top of the fabric... or birdsnests, or bobbin showing on the top side, etc. All concerned the thread tensions, bobbin tension, cleanliness of the bobbin case, thread being threaded through the machine correctly, etc.

SO I am to pay for two of your jackets that recently were messed up for a design you have had since 2010 over thread looping?

Of course I never admitted yet again about the secret THREAD LOOPING button that all us digitizers have access to... and that take over 2 years to activate! evil I know! sorry.

Was she the one running the jackets??

Robert Young's picture

Gilligan wrote:
Oh, I had one too!!

We get an email back on the weekend saying "I know it's the weekend but can you please call us at your earliest convenience... blah blha blah... we are not satisfied... blah blah blah... lengthy email"

My wife gets a copy of this email and is like "why did you let me read that?" She's ******. So we decided we needed to "fire" them.

Ha, this story is repeated over and over! Which is why I am surprised you say you love dealing with clients new to promotional products... we had another thread earlier this year where the digitizers spoke about new clients, vs mom and pops that were seasoned , vs large houses. your comments reminded me of that thread.

Modern Embroidery Designer

Maybe I mis-stated that... I love new clients because we are still up and coming. LOL

"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."

Robert Young's picture

Well it has been a wonderful respite but today we get this request: "One problem, I do not have a credit or debit card but would still like to have you as my digitizer.Please advise if it is possible, I am good for payment 100%. Thanks" yet we have done 18 designs all using a cc that apparently did not expire until 2015.

What is up with this? NO cc and NO debit?

Modern Embroidery Designer

Robert Young's picture

Today a client that we suspended in Jan for nonpayment for work done in Oct called to ask if they could send us a new design to digitize.

Uh would you like to finally pay your Oct 2012 bill first? "No, can't we just start fresh with a new design?" SURE you can... with another company!

Modern Embroidery Designer