Barudan 6 head registration problems

minimalist's picture

I've been in the family business for under a year so I don't have all the experience with the computer side of things. We have a barudan six head (2005 model) that looses registration when changing colors. I've been on the phone with tech support and been through all of the remote attempts only to be told it's probably a drive board @ 6K. Anybody know of a alternate way to fix this without getting a new drive board? Any other suggestions.

minimalist's picture

stevemb wrote:
Are you experiencing an extraordianry number of needle breaks? Have you rotated the main shaft, lowering the needle bar down into the needle plate to view the position of the needle in the needle hole after a color change? Is there any "play" in the color change mechanism (if yoy were to grab on to the needle bar assembly on head one and try to physically move the needle bar (front of the sewing head)...does it seem tight--no lateral movement?

No needle breaks. I give it a good tug tomorrow to see if it moves.

I had an issue on our Barudan that left us scratching our heads. We had a design in memory that we had sewn many many times. Customer calls for an order and we set up for it. We always do a sew out to be sure everything is right and when it started it didn't move from the origin point to start its first stitch it started stitching right from the center of the design to where the first stitch should of been. I was like OK what did I just see. Started over and did it again. Made a call to tech support and they said to get rid of the design in memory and load a new one. So we loaded a new one off the CF card and same thing. After mumbling a few choice words I erased the design off the CF and reloaded a new one off our computer onto the CF card and then into memory and wala, problem fixed. None of our other designs gave us a problem. Just that one so far. Still scratching my head. Shared it Barudan rep and Bob Stone the sales manager and they looked at me like WOW.

Not saying it's your problem, but worth a try.

Sew Fine Designs

minimalist wrote:
I've been in the family business for under a year so I don't have all the experience with the computer side of things. We have a barudan six head (2005 model) that looses registration when changing colors. I've been on the phone with tech support and been through all of the remote attempts only to be told it's probably a drive board @ 6K. Anybody know of a alternate way to fix this without getting a new drive board? Any other suggestions.

After making a color-change, rotate the main shaft to ensure the needle is entering the needle plate in the center of the needle hole. Your color change mechanism may be "loose" allowing the needle bar mechanism a slight variation of placement after a color change.

minimalist's picture

It's done it on both caps and flats. The registration seems to be 1/8 to 1/4" off horizontally with no real pattern of error. It just does it's own thing. I changed colors in the design and it did the same thing. I know the design isn't corrupted because I ran the same one on the single head with no flaw. The ISS show was in FW and I took a hat down and talked with Barudan about it and they had me talk to a tech but no real solution. I know the Barudan is a good machine but when I watched the ZSK roll at 1K on hats the numbers on paper blow my 650spm out of the water.

The machine has been down for 2-3 months now as income isn't the best right now. Orders are down quite a bit in our industry so I've been keeping up with the one 6 and 1 single. Got lots of stuff coming from overseas because the people making our stuff suddenly can't get the color of nylon we need and we had to buy enough material to make 4K units when we usually order 200.

I'd have to look at the number again to tell you what it is. I spent 20 years running my own leather shop and fixing all the machinery. Those machines didn't have electronics. I ran a couple of Juki TSC441's for close to 15 years constantly and never even replace a hook.

Our shop is in Bridgeport, TX.

I do appreciate everyones help in this.

Just for curiosity sake are these caps or flats?

Has someone perhaps accidentally set an offset in the file or machine panel?

Is it always off by the same amount of registration? Or does it differ. If it differs from run to run then that is a very good (unfortunate) possibility it's a drive board.

Where are you located? I may have a drive board is it a ZN, ZQ or just plain Z series?

minimalist's picture

stevemb wrote:
After making a color-change, rotate the main shaft to ensure the needle is entering the needle plate in the center of the needle hole. Your color change mechanism may be "loose" allowing the needle bar mechanism a slight variation of placement after a color change.

When the machine changes color the design is 1/8 to 1/4" off side to side. I tried different designs, deleting and reloading the card, software update, magic from tech support to no avail. It's what I call the most expensive single needle 6 head out there.

I'm fairly certain that the board could be repaired but I don't know where to start on that.

minimalist's picture

Eric wrote:
Just for curiosity sake are these caps or flats?

Has someone perhaps accidentally set an offset in the file or machine panel?

Is it always off by the same amount of registration? Or does it differ. If it differs from run to run then that is a very good (unfortunate) possibility it's a drive board.

Where are you located? I may have a drive board is it a ZN, ZQ or just plain Z series?

It's a ZQ series.

Are you experiencing an extraordianry number of needle breaks? Have you rotated the main shaft, lowering the needle bar down into the needle plate to view the position of the needle in the needle hole after a color change? Is there any "play" in the color change mechanism (if yoy were to grab on to the needle bar assembly on head one and try to physically move the needle bar (front of the sewing head)...does it seem tight--no lateral movement?

I am a tech and if it's the board I have a person who can repair this board for you. You may want a tech to look at it just for a second opinion though before shipping it to him. Here's his link to his website, his name is Mike you can call him and he could walk you through a few things as well. You can use me as a reference as well.

minimalist's picture

Just coming back to say that the tech found the problem. It was an unplugged sensor that pulled off when the machine got hung up in a color change. In rotating the assembly to the right color the plug was dislodged enough that it wasn't making connection with the sensor.

Screen Printer's picture

minimalist wrote:
Just coming back to say that the tech found the problem. It was an unplugged sensor that pulled off when the machine got hung up in a color change. In rotating the assembly to the right color the plug was dislodged enough that it wasn't making connection with the sensor.

I see you are in Texas..

Did you use Ray Parker as your tech?

He is awesome....fairly priced.

Ray Parker