By Earl Smith on
Jul. 02, 2009
I´ve asked about when to buy more machines but I have never asked which machine is best for caps and which for flats.
I run a single head Barudan and am very happy with it for flats. It is sometimes a struggle to do caps correctly. Maybe I am not "hooping" them correctly. They seem to sit about 1mm above the needle hole and when stitching the fabric bounces as it stitches.
So, what are your thoughts? Which machine is best for what.?? Interested to know before I buy my next machine.
Re: Best machine for caps
Actually I find Barudan to be the best for caps because of the rounded arm, the cap tends to "float" more smoothly over it.
Just my opinion.
Re: Best machine for caps
agreed, barudan is amazing on caps the lower arm is more rounded it really hugs the cap.
also a tajima dc model is not too shabby for caps.
the fx series for tajima is not a hat machine.
so its between barudan or dc model tajima.
both excellent, but barudan is the best.
is there any reason for this question?? you having problems with a cap
Re: Best machine for caps
Hi, Thanks for the replies.
I started in embroidery about 18 months ago, moved into a shop one year ago and now need another machine. My Barudan is a super machine but I had heard that the Tajima could be better with caps. After your comments I will stick with Barudan.
I am having a slight problem with my caps. As I said before , when they are framed and on the machine they sit about 1mm above the "hole". So when they are stitching the fabric bounces with every stitch and this affects the procission of the design. Maybe I am using the wrong type of cap. Normal cap with a mesh inside for stability. Sometimes I use a backing , sometimes not. Always with the same result. 1mm over the hole. ( Is there a name for this hole?).
Maybe I should go back to class and learn how to frame a cap.
What do you find is the best cap for the job?
Re: Best machine for caps
Did you buy your machine new? Do you have a parts kit?
There is such a thing as a throat plate for caps, most machines should come with one. The plate has a collar around the needle hole that sticks up a little. This solves your problem. If not, contact who you get your barudan parts from ... they should be able to help you.
Re: Best machine for caps
If you mean the plates with the little wheel that sit each side of the stitch area, then yes I have them. Machine was new, everything supplied with it. Have even checked it out at the fair we had here last April in Cologne.
Just examined this plate, yes it sticks up a little, maybe I should lower it to bring the cap down 1mm. Doing some caps today, I´ll give it a try.
Oh...and Happy 4th July.
Re: Best machine for caps
Carrying on with this post.
I lowered the throat plate to the same level as the underarm. Caps now sit level with the plate and it now sews perfectly. Thanks for pointing it out.
Re: Best machine for caps
Yes, I've always hear that Barundan and Tajima are the best for caps. There are thousands of different cap styles, some will fit your equipment better than others. Add extra backing to take up unwanted room, hoop tight and clip down sides.
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