Barudan BEVY 1504 Losing my MIND! Trimming issues

YNIEmb's picture

I cannot seem to get this machine to trim properly. I have tried everything that I can think about but the problem is, that it isn't consistent. The bobbin doesn't seem to trim on at least 2 of the 4 heads at all times, some times it is all of them. I am constantly having to move the lower thread knife bar. They seem to get kicked out of place often and I don't know what is causing it. I've moved the needle plates around to see if it is that or if it is the head. I have switched all of the knives around. Generally it seems to be the head so I go back to the thread knife bar. I have replaced the washers in case there isn't enough ripple in them. I don't know if I am just not getting the bar in the right place or what. But I'm at a loss. I was told by Barudan that the notch needs to be visible in the lower part of the hole on the plate. My tech has been in to show us where it needs to be placed, so I am almost confident I was doing that part right. We don't get birds nesting often, but if we do it is certain that the bar needs to be adjusted. The most aggravating part is that it will work one day, and not the next. Any suggestions?

Some barudan trim systems have a screw down underneath that people are unaware of ,there's a 3 mm Allen head screw under the silver cover at the top and underneath another that's on the arm running the length of the machine, but in the cast arm that's runs from the long rod underneath there is another little villain 2.5 mm screw that is hard to see get a flash light.


minimalist's picture

How old is your machine and have you replace any of the trimmer parts?

Do you still have the outer cover on the needle plate (silver extension that protects the rotating knife)? Are you sewing something that might be limiting the travel of the rotary knife if the cover is not present?

Bird nesting is a problem created by:

Incorrect tension
Timing is off
Sewing hook worn
Sewing hook adjusted too far from scurf of the needle
Needle depth adjusted incorrectly