
New to embroidery and have a 415 machine.

First time I try to run a pattern the needle moves once and I get a "motor lock" error on the display.

Can anyone help me out with some thoughts?

Much appreciated!


Is the motor locking up and making an awful noise before the error? Also, have you tried this with another needle? Also +1, does it turn freely when you move it by hand through all the degrees back to 100? If everything is free and turns smoothly then you may have a bad encoder (I think that's what it's called). If you take your guards off the pulley you should see something on the end of the shaft with a wire going to it. Make sure that connection is there. I don't work on them or really have experience in this area, but I do have a 416a which has a lot of the same parts and it's what I'd do if it happened to me. Be sure to look on the brother website and download all the catalogs for your machine including parts. It will help when you go to order.